Network Magazine Autumn 2019 | Page 33

EARN YOUR FREE CEC OR CPD! · (5 CECs) Every issue of · Network magazine includes articles linked to a 1-CEC or CPD (5 CECs) (NZ) course that FREE to Network Members. · (3 is CECs) This quarter, the course is based on the following features: · } The first month of your career is the most important [p12] } Human metabolism and the calorie conundrum [p19] } Research Review [p34] } Injury & Rehab [p38] } Reward the passion, skills and loyalty of your team [p49] To earn yourself 1 CEC or CPD, simply login to your Member Portal HERE, click on the ‘My CEC Courses (Purchased and FREE)’ tab in the Quick Menu and select ‘Network Autumn 2019’. Read the articles, successfully answer the multiple-choice questions, and you’re done! For help logging in to your Member Portal, call our friendly team on 1300 493 832, or email [email protected]. ACCESS YOUR MEMBER PORTAL HERE