Fat loss is challenging enough for any client , but when biology and social factors work against you it can be even harder , as many mums discover .
M ums are stuck in a Fat Trap – and not
all of them want to hear about it .
‘ Tried to lose weight . Success . Put on weight . Tried to lose it again . Put on weight . Continue to put on weight .’
Does this cycle ring any bells in relation to mum clients you train ?
Not all mums find themselves in this predicament , of course , but a great many do . And although the Fat Trap can happen to anyone , its prevalence in mothers is notable . If you don ’ t acknowledge it , particularly with mums , you ’ re on the road to nowhere when it comes to weight loss .
When it comes to the Fat Trap there are two ways to consider the client ‘ trapped ’. The first is the trap within their mind : the obsession with the scales that means they will do whatever it takes to lose weight the quickest way . The quickest way , unfortunately , is often the unhealthy option of not eating much , which does them no good at all , and in fact may well make them fatter on the inside as the visceral fat levels go up while their weight temporarily goes down .
The second trap is the physical trap . Why on earth can ’ t they lose the weight and keep it off ? Why is it so hard ?
Inevitably , most mum clients will have tried to lose weight before coming to see you for help . It ’ s not easy for her to be at your training session . Chances are she really ‘ couldn ’ t be stuffed ’, but she ’ s turned up , so you ’ d better get things right ! But how ?