Network Magazine Autumn 2017 | Page 41





Carefully chosen , mutually beneficial partnerships can enhance the service you deliver , and boost the success of your fitness business .

I s your fitness business performing as well as you ’ d like ? For many PTs , studio and other fitness business operators , the answer is no . If you are among this group , then it could be time to build some partnerships that truly support your professional , and personal , ambitions .

The partnerships you create can be with other fitness professionals , such as other trainers , nutritionists or chiropractors , or with health and fitness brands that provide the products and services you and your clients use . Partnerships can also be created with non-fitness-related businesses , media companies , and pretty much any type of organisation with whom you can create a mutually beneficial arrangement .
Partnerships help fitness professionals who feel that the growth of their business has got stuck in a rut , and who want to give more value to their clients ( and get more back ). Many PTs get weighed down by having a cap on either their time or the number of clients they are able to train , and by increasing opportunities and capability , partnerships become an additional income source .
One of the biggest benefits of partnering with other businesses is your combined value ( capability ). Together , you can offer something above and beyond what you can deliver individually to clients and other organisations .
Have you ever seen a partnership between a fitness professional and a brand or allied health professional and thought , ‘ That ’ s a great idea , how did that happen ?’ You aren ’ t alone . Many people have no idea how to create such partnerships for themselves .
Types of partnership
Before we explore how to create these relationships , let ’ s take a look at some examples of the types of partnership that may benefit your business .
EXAMPLE 1 : Personal trainer + nutritionist
Both : Cross referrals ; create a combined offering such as a 12-week program ; offer a public seminar / workshop at which both speak ; speak at each other ’ s practise / gym to their network ; share cost of attending an expo or placing advertising to your local market ; provide testimonials ( written , video etc ); make introductions to other business connections ; in some cases credibility by association ; provide content for each other ’ s newsletters and social media .
EXAMPLE 2 : Strength coach + fitness magazine
Strength coach : Provide written and video content and training tips ; act as ‘ journalist / interviewer ’; attend The Fitness Show with magazine ( at booth ); speak at events ; offer in-house training session for staff .
Fitness magazine : Regular column ; one feature article per year on one of the
