Network Magazine autumn 2015 | Page 21

significant anti-inflammatory activity and this local wine has two to three times more of them than other wines. The Sardinian lifestyle includes a positive attitude towards elders, close ties to friends and family, and plenty of time devoted to laughter. Evidence shows people who have strong social networks and enjoy a regular laugh experience lower rates of depression, suicide and stress. The people in blue zones live not only longer lives, but happier, healthier ones. The longest healthiest years in the world – Okinawa, Japan If you are going to live a long life you want to be able to enjoy those years and that’s exactly the case in Okinawa. Okinawans have the longest disability-free life expectancy and the oldest living female population in the world. The majority of the Okinawan elders still live a traditional way of life – they eat a plant-based diet, engage in regular low intensity physical activity (gardening and walking), spend a lot of time with friends and family, and maintain a strong sense of meaning in life. Almost all Okinawan centenarians grow a garden and harvest vegetables, herbs and spices with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial properties such as mugwort, ginger and turmeric. Their modest plant-based diet includes foods rich in soy, like tofu and miso soup. Flavonoids in tofu have cardio-protective properties and fermented soy foods contribute to a healthy intestinal microbiome (good bacteria in your gut). Okinawans are also one of the only human populations that purposefully restrict their energy intake by keeping to a principle of ‘Hara hachi bu’ – eat until you are 80 per cent full. Does faith equal a longer life? – Seventh-day Adventist community, Loma Linda, California The average Seventh-day Adventist lives four to ten years longer than the average Californian. Loma Linda University Medical Center has been studying the Adventists for approximately 50 years, and the evidence is that diet and lifestyle play significant roles in their exceptional longevity. Loma Lima is home to 9,000 Seventh-day Adventists, who practice a healthy diet and lifestyle as part of their faith. The Adventists that live the longest and have a significantly reduced risk of lifestyle diseases eat a light, early dinner and follow a vegetarian diet with two or more servings of fruit per day, legumes three times a week, and nuts at least five times a week. The Adventist health study research also suggests that drinking at least five or six glasses of water a day could reduce the risk of fatal heart attack in men by 60 to 70 per cent. The lowest rates of middle-age mortality – Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica Costa Ricans have the lowest rates of middle-age mortality in the world and the second-highest convergence of males aged 100 or above. Out of the total population in Costa Rica, the majority of centenarians are located  in the Nicoya Peninsula. In Nicoya, people not only live a longer life, but die of cancer at a rate 23 per cent lower than the rest of the country. Similarly to other blue zones, Nicoyans are family and faith-oriented, with strong social networks. They have a ‘plan de vida’ (reason to live) driving their positive outlook and active lifestyle. Nicoyans eat a plant-based diet, comprising corn, rice, garden vegetables and vitamin C-rich fruit. They supplement this with eggs and a small amount of pork. Most of their food is consumed in the day, with only a light meal in the evening. A unique attribute of this blue zone is the calcium- and magnesium-rich water. The consumption of hard water may be a protective factor against heart disease and bone fractures. A population almost free of dementia and chronic disease – Ikaria, Greece In Ikaria, Greece, people live on average 10 years longer than those in the rest of Europe and America – around one in three Ikarians lives into their 90s. This population is almost entirely free of dementia and chronic disease. Similarly to other Blue Zones, Ikarians walk and garden throughout the day, place high value on fostering social connections with family and friends, avoid smoking and make time for rest. They eat a Mediterranean-style diet with lots of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, beans, potatoes, olive oil and moderate amounts of wine. In addition, they drink goat’s milk and herbal teas – oregano, rosemary, sage and thyme – with anti-inflammatory properties. As Greek Orthodox Christians they fast for almost half the year, reducing calorie consumption by about 30 per cent. A Blue Zone recipe for longevity? Observing the blue zone communities it is clear that no single thing can explain longevity. The centenarians owe their long lives to a combination of genes, geography, culture, diet, lifestyle and outlook. There is even variation in each group’s lifestyles and diets. There are, however, practices that are consistent across all of the Blue Zone communities that may provide insight into living a longer healthier life. People in the Blue Zones nurture strong social networks, belong to faith-based communities, and have a strong sense of purpose. They take time out to unwind, and incorporate daily, natural physical activity into their lives. Their diet is mostly plantbased, with plenty of seasonal vegetables and fruit, and a variety of beans, nuts, and grains. They eat in moderation and consume most of their food early in the day. These people who live well into their 90s and 100s haven’t cut out carbohydrates, adopted the paleo diet, banned dairy and grains or taken supplements. They eat an unprocessed plant-based diet in moderate portions without strict dietary rules. They live in a supportive community with a sense of purpose and take time out to relax. They move naturally and are happy positive people. They love life and life loves them back. For references read this article at Shivaun Conn is an accredited practising dietitian and director of Discovery Health Coaching. INSPIRING GREATNESS 10 TO 12 APRIL 2015 MELBOURNE CONVENTION & EXHIBITION CENTRE Experience Shivaun’s nutrition and lifestyle expertise at FILEX • Live long and prosper: lessons from the world’s oldest and healthiest people (B2N) • Positively influence clients’ nutrition choices (C2M) • Eat right for every stage of life (C3L) Head to to check out the session details, full program info and to register for the best weekend on the fitness industry calendar! NETWORK AUTUMN 2015 | 21