Network Magazine Autumn 2014 | Page 49

basic move more interesting. It is also an effective way of increasing the intensity of a move. When participants move in one direction, for example rocking horse to the shallow end, a flow of water is created in one direction. Instructing participants to quickly turn around and run through this flow of water will increase their energy output as they move into the resistance created by the heavy flow of water against them. Instructing participants to stand still after creating a strong flow of water, and to complete an arm exercise with stable legs and torso, will activate the core as it works to hold the body still. The same drag in the water can be completed back and forth at the wall, as we would do when performing a ‘Murray River’ (a strong rapid kick off backwards from the pool edge, followed by immediately running through the turbulence and flow of the water back to the wall.) Sometimes something as simple as teaching from a different spot poolside, or getting participants to perform the same move in a different place, can keep participants better engaged. Buoyancy Our biggest point of difference in aqua fitness, compared to land-based exercise, is buoyancy. Participants love the floating feeling. So, how can you use the buoyant properties of water to increase challenge? One way is by incorporating equipment into the workout. The greater the surface area of the equipment, and the lower it is taken into the water, the greater the resistance exerted on participants’ muscles. For example, a donkey kick can be enhanced with a kickboard. For a less intense progression, have the kickboard near the surface and slice it through the water; for a significantly stronger move, take the kickboard deeper into the water and push and pull with the two faces of the board. Be careful, however, not to add equipment to a workout just for the sake of it: always consider whether it truly enhances a move before introducing it. Movement direction – Complete one repetition to front left corner then front right corner, repeat continuously throughout one block of music. We can also use buoyancy to attempt a move in suspension without equipment. Keep in mind that for leaner body types it can be more challenging to remain buoyant as they have less fat tissue. Buoyancy – Adding dumbbells to the hands will slow down the movement, but because the muscles will need to work harder it makes it much more challenging. Adding just one dumbbell and passing it between hands will add an extra stability and cognitive component. Weighted Pool position – Travelling to the shallow end and then running back to the start position requires a large expenditure of energy. Could the move become weighted? By keeping one or both legs still on the pool floor and completing an exercise with a stable torso, the core must work much harder, changing the focus of the exercise. Weighted – The strong rocking horse arms are an ideal move to use for a stability exercise. This also provides a good opportunity to teach your participants how to properly engage their pelvic floors and muscles of the core. You may be surprised by how many participants have never been taught how to do this effectively. Base move – Flick the toes to the front, reaching towards the toe with the opposite hand (photo 3). So, now we’ve covered the theoretical application, let’s apply these elements to breathe some new life into some classic aqua moves. The rocking horse Base move – I usually complete the rocking horse with long legs and long arms scooping through the water (photo 1). The front flick kick Hand shape – A double arm flat palm push (photo 4) increases the resistance against the hands, and therefore the effort required to perform the move. Lever lengths – Bending at the elbows to perform a bicep curl/ tricep extension adds some variety to the arm pattern. Movement direction – One front kick, one side kick (photo 5) is a simple way to freshen up flick kicks. Hand shape – Changing the hands away from a scooping aqua hand would make a rocking horse too challenging to complete, as we rely on the power in the arms to propel the body forward and back. Pool position – Completing flick kicks at the wall with toes lightly touching is a great way to add variety and also change the focus of the move. If you coach a light toe tap and a still upper body and hips, you will find participants need to draw in and activate their deeper core to perform the move correctly. Lever lengths – Bending sharply at knees and elbows creates a faster move (photo 2). Buoyancy – As this is a naturally light and buoyant exercise, encourage a strong return of your participants’ WWW.FITNESSNETWORK.COM.AU \ NETWORK AUTUMN 2014 49