Network Communications News (NCN) October 2017 | Page 8

INDUSTRY NEWS ForeScout and CrowdStrike announce a strategic alliance F o r e S c o u t Te c h n o l o g i e s , I n c . , I n te r n et o f T h i n g s ( I o T ) s e c u r i t y c o m p a n y , a n d C r o w d S t r i ke , s p e c i a l i s t i n c l o u d d e l i ve re d e n d p o i n t p rote ct i o n , h ave a n n o u n c e d a s t rate g i c a l l i a n c e t h at t h e c o m p a n i e s s a y w i l l d e l i ve r c o m p re h e n s i ve v i s i b i l i t y , t h re at d ete ct i o n a n d s e c u r i t y re s p o n s e fo r j o i n t c u s to m e r s . T h ro u g h t h i s p a r t n e r s h i p , t h e t w o c o m p a n i e s w i l l m o n i to r t h re at s a c ro s s e n d p o i n t a n d n et w o r k t i e r s , s h a re t h re at a n a l y t i c s a n d ex te n d p rote ct i o n a n d p o l i c y c o n t ro l to u n m a n a g e d b r i n g y o u r o w n d ev i c e ( BY O D ) , g u e s t a n d I o T d ev i c e s . Mike DeCesare, president and CEO, ForeScout, said, “Enterprises continue to be impacted by massive data breaches and cybersecurity attacks largely due to blind spots caused by undetected devices. To help solve this problem, ForeScout and CrowdStrike are forming a new strategic par tnership that will offer a combination of extended device discovery, security intelligence and greater control to keep threats out and strengthen cyber hygiene. “The collaboration and joint value of two market leading cybersecurity companies will provide our customers with increased visibility and advanced threat analytics for better protection against malicious activity.” Modern enterprise networks are challenged with managing increasingly complex environments along with exponential growth in volume and diversity of devices. The rise of network connected devices has increased the attack surface, making it more challenging for organisations to prevent, detect and respond to cyberattacks. ForeScout and CrowdStrike will streamline and improve security operations for customers by leveraging ForeScout’s advanced device visibility and control capabilities combined with CrowdStrike’s AI enabled threat analytics platform. “Many security solutions fail to deliver accurate and meaningful threat insight, which is why organisations are constantly falling prey to cyberattacks,” said George Kurtz, co-founder and CEO, CrowdStrike. “With real-time endpoint detection and response, combined with next-generation threat prevention and proactive threat hunting, organisations will be able to gain an advantage in today’s vast threat landscape. The alliance between ForeScout and CrowdStrike is a better together approach that will transform how customers protect their network against today’s cybersecurity challenges and tomorrow’s threats.” More information: ForeScout Technologies, Inc; CrowdStrike 0118 453 0400, A new partnership between ForeScout and CrowdStrike has begun Visit us at Stand no. 20 Rittal Stand no. 7 Rittal OCP Data Centre In A Box Discover it. All the key data centre Rittal Edge Data capabilities..... Center. .......just on a smaller scale. Build IT environments to meet the challenges of Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things quickly and easily - with standardised, preconfigured infrastructure modules from Rittal. A Rittal Edge Data Center is comprised of two, four or six Rittal TS IT racks, plus components for climate control, power distribution, UPS, fire protection, monitoring and access protection, tailored to the specific application. ENCLOSURES POWER DISTRIBUTION CLIMATE CONTROL