Network Communications News (NCN) October 2017 | Page 13

ON THE CASE A Landmark Development Wi-SUN selects GlobalSign to provide certificate authority services The Wi-SUN Alliance has announced it has selected GlobalSign, a global Certificate Authority and specialist provider of identity and security solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT), to provide Certificate Authority (CA) services to Wi-SUN Alliance member companies. Every device that connects to the Wi-SUN Field Area Network (FAN) must include a certificate in order to authenticate its entry; this agreement will appoint GlobalSign as the exclusive third- party supplier of certificates for the Wi-SUN FAN certification program to more than 150 Wi- SUN product companies. In selecting GlobalSign, Wi-SUN Allience evidence its commitment to making security central to its IoT networking strategy. “Many countries across the world will soon become reliant on the Internet of Things to deliver their electricity, control their street lighting, provide traffic management and many more common tasks to improve the quality of life for their citizens. However, the use of technology also increases the risk of hacking so network security is paramount,” says Phil Beecher, chairman, Wi-SUN Alliance. “Certificate-based authentication is similar to a biometric passport in that it verifies that devices have not been tampered with or reprogrammed and will prevent any compromised devices from re-joining the network and causing any disruption, providing a level of security unsurpassed by other IoT technologies.” “Wi-SUN Alliance member companies are deploying globally tens of millions of compatible IoT devices so it is essential that a Certificate Authority can operate at this scale. This is something GlobalSign is already experienced in doing. The partnership with GlobalSign is a significant step in our Field Area Network (FAN) certification program and demonstrates our commitment to lead the way in IoT communications technology, ensuring that security is central to our strategy,” adds Beecher. A key factor in the Wi-SUN Alliance’s choice was GlobalSign’s strong ties to the electric grid marketplace, where GlobalSign’s long-standing commitment gives the company a deep understanding of the needs of the community within it, including the fact that its chief product officer, Lila Kee, is a board member of the North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB). “Wi -SUN ’ s work in es ta b l is h ing co m m u nic at io n s ta n d a rd s i s u n d o u bte d l y i n d u st r y le ad i ng in the Util ity a nd S m a r t Cit y s p a c e ,” s a id L a nce n L a c h a n c e , v i c e p re si d e nt , p ro d u ct management, Io T ident it y s o l u t io ns , G l o b a l Sign. “Wi- S UN’ s v i si o n a n d fo ret h o u g ht to establi s h s ta n da rds for inte ro p e ra b l e s e c u r it y into c r i t i c a l i nf ra st r u ct u re i s e sse nt i a l to grow a s afe, rel ia bl e, conne cte d e co s y s te m .  We ’ re l o o k i n g fo r wa rd to wo r k i n g w i t h W i - SU N’s member compa nie s to inco r p o rate Io T s e c u r it y a n d i d e nt i t y i nto t h e i r h i g h sc a l e , h i g h valu e environ ments .” More information: Wi-SUN Alliance 0203 290 3047, Dubbed Birmingham’s answer to Canary Wharf, Three Snowhill is a landmark office building at the gateway to the Birmingham Business District. The final element of the renowned Snowhill estate, set to house 4000 workers, is result of £200 million deal between M&G Real Estate and Developer Ballymore. GBE Fire & Security has been appointed by BAM Construction to the 420,000 sq ft, 18-storey office block to design, supply, install and commission the fire, disabled alarms, CCTV, access control, data network and gas suppression systems. Priding themselves on delivering expert life safety and security design, installation and support services for bespoke systems, GBE says it is excited to be working closely with partners Honeywell, for the Gent fire alarm system, and Vox Ignis for disabled refuge and WC alarms. Also, Nedap providing the security management system, HIK the CCTV and Brigit Gas supplier of Gas Suppression. Paul Walsh, business development manager, GBE, comments, “We’re extremely proud to be part of this project that is helping the Midlands become part of Britain’s engine for growth. Our early involvement has already allowed us, through our partnership with Nedap, to successfully prove the Lift Destination Control integration which had been challenging on the Snowhill One and Two schemes.” GBE commenced works on the major landmark project October 2017 and anticipate completion by March 2019. More information: GBE 0845 1220 884, October 2017 | 13