Network Communications News (NCN) NCN-Sept2017 | Page 42

KNOW HOW How does UC in the cloud impact your network security? Cyber attacks using the SIP protocol are growing and can cost companies hundreds of thousands of dollars. In fact, toll fraud is even higher than credit card fraud, with an estimated global fraud loss of $38B in 2015 per CFCA, says Kevin Baynes, UK and Ireland country manager at Sonus. B ut there are far wider reaching and more serious vulnerabilities than toll fraud, which quietly monitor and trawl a network from inside the trusted domain without a firewall even being aware. 42 | September 2017 Traditionally, network security has centred around data: Corporate data, customer data, credit card data. Organisations collectively spend billions each year protecting their data through firewalls and other data-centric security devices. But what if they have left another door wide-open – one that is leading to some of the fastest growing and most misunderstood threats enterprises face today? A s UC a p p l i c at i o n s s uch as vo i c e , v i d e o , m e ssa g i n g, an d f i le sh a r i n g sta r t to b e t ran s mi tted