De-skilling critical if Europe is
to hit fibre installation targets
Colin Kirkpatrick, Emtelle’s international business development director, says if
Europe is to achieve its goal of a Digital Single Market by 2020, then installation
of new fibre optic networks needs to be as pain-free as possible.
urope has taken a bold
step towards creating
a digital society which
is inclusive for all, both
as individuals and as
businesses. It has clearly defined
its objectives and the steps that
need to be taken. We welcome this
approach and know only too well
the benefits ubiquitous high-speed
34 | September 2017
broadband can bring but it can
only be achieved by the mass roll-
out of optical fibre. This in turn can
only be completed in the targeted
time frames by finding innovative
ways of making fibre faster, simpler
and cheaper to deploy.
The ability to speed up the
deployment of fibre will be key to
the achievement of the European
Union’s Digital Agenda, part of
its Europe 2020 Strategy. The
Digital Agenda’s main objective
is to develop a digital single
market which will generate
smart, sustainable and inclusive
growth in Europe. This includes
encouraging more and better
connectivity for citizens and
businesses by promoting fast