Network Communications News (NCN) June 2017 | Page 4

EDITORIAL Talkin’ ‘bout my generation I have to admit that I love all types of technology – give me a gadget and I’ll be at my happiest; even getting one year older this month hasn’t dampened my appetite for anything with a plug on it! However, new research suggests that Generation X and Millennials are a cause for concern for IT departments across the country. Apparently, when it comes to presentation technology, we – I am a proud member of the Generation X club –struggle the most! Barco ClickShare’s study surveyed 1,250 IT decision makers from companies in the UK, US, Germany and France. As the company pointed out: ‘Millennials, Centennials and Simon King, Editor some Generation X employees excel at being digitally social, yet they are 100 per cent mobile driven, lacking the necessary skills for interoperability – that is, to understand how desktop computers connect to other devices or, furthermore, how network infrastructure really works. ‘ T h i s ex p l a i n s w h y t h e y re p re s e nt t h e l a rge s t e m p l o y e e g ro u p re q u i r i n g I T s u p p o r t a ro u n d p re s e ntat i o n te c h n o l o g i e s i n t h e wo r k p l a c e . ’ The IT decision makers sur veyed also highlighted the detrimental impact that ineffective presentation technology can have on businesses, with more than 50 per cent of respondents repor ting that these issues were associated to a loss of business and damage to reputation. George Stromeyer, senior vice president, enterprise division, at Barco said: ‘If you are going to tackle productivity, you need to get a handle on the basics. Meetings are critical, yet we routinely put up with them being delayed by tech issues. Ten minutes wasted at the start of a meeting may sound insignificant – but across every meeting taking place in every UK company, that’s hundreds of thousands of hours and billions of pounds wasted.’ Apparently, over 55s and Generation Z are far more self- sufficient. Well, as I was frequently told at school: ‘Must try harder’. NEXT TIME… Telecoms Enclosures, cabinets & racks The July issue of Network Communications News will contain two major features as well as its regular range of features and news items. This month’s features will be Telecoms and Enclosures, cabinets & Racks. It will comprise major articles and a comprehensive produ