Network Communications News (NCN) June 2017 | Page 30

GREEN IT Transmission of data into the cloud Capturing, transmitting and processing data lies at the heart of what has been dubbed “the fourth industrial revolution”, says Jason Swann, Rittal’s product manager for climate. I t’s one of the reasons why cutt ing-edge connectivity has become so important in factories and similar environments to facilitate new, smarter ways of working, such as predictive maintenance. Connectivity is a feature of Rittal’s new cooling units and chillers and its recent collaboration with Siemens MindSphere and IBM Watson IoT provides a unique insight into the capabilities and opportunities which exist, now and in the future for a world enabled by Industry 4.0.  Rittal’s new Blue e+ cooling units and chillers consume an average of 70 per cent less power than their conventional counterparts. They also raise the bar in M2M communication. Specifically, they can transmit ke y d ata to a sma r t p h o n e q u i c k l y a n d si m p l y v i a a n NF C ( n e a r f i e l d co mmu n i c at i o n) co n n e ct i o n . T h e R i Di a g I I I p a ra m ete r i sat i o n a n d d i a g n o st i c s sof t wa re u se s a US B i nte r fa c e o r a n et wo r k to su p p o r t ef f i c i e nt sy ste m o p e rat i o n , d e l i ve r ra p i d su p p o r t fo r m a i nte n a n c e a n d re p a i r s, a n d d e l i ve r i n - d e pt h d i a g n o st i c s. The new communications module (Com Modul) also allows the cooling units and chillers to communicate with any higher-level system via OPC UA, PROFINET, SNMP, Modbus RTU and CAN Master – enabling predictive maintenance, data analytics and more. Siemens MindSphere Rittal’s coolers and chillers interact seamlessly with Siemens MindSphere. This cloud-based, open Internet of Things (IoT) operating system enables customers to develop their own Industry 4.0 applications. The platform is scalable, and can capture and analyse huge volumes of data – paving the way for smart-factory processes in areas such as energy data management and resource optimisation to name but two. I n a d d i t i o n , i t h a r n e sse s a n a l y t i c s to p re d i ct w h e n re p a i r s a n d m a i nte n a n c e a re re q u i re d . T h i s c u t s co st s a n d ra i se s 30 | June 2017 sy ste m u pt i me co mp ared to sc h e d u l e d wo r k s co n ducted at p re d ef i n e d i nte r va l s. The system even calculates the fastest way to complete these tasks, which can be par ticularly advantageous at facilities with a large number of machines. Plus, because up-to-the-minute data on each unit is available on the IoT plat form, ser vice engineers know what replacement par ts they will require for the job in hand, eliminating the need for multiple trips. IBM Watson IoT Wat so n ’ s a rc h i te ct u re i s d e si g n e d to ra p i d l y p roces s i nfo r m at i o n a n d e mp l oys machi n e l e a r n i n g a l go r i t h m s to an alys e g row i n g d ata vo l u me s wi th i n c re a si n g p re c i si o n – wi th the a i m of f i n d i n g b et te r an s wers to a va r i et y of c h a l l e n ge s . These types of data analytics applications streamline maintenance and cut downtime – in other words, customers benefit from lower costs and higher machine availability. The solution’s new technologies also open up new business opportunities, for example, within the scope of smart maintenance contracts. All this interactivity provides a unique insight into the future world of Industry 4.0, and the new business models these will enable. And all this potential stems from the seamless transmission of data from sensors inside the cooling units and chillers to the cloud. For further information visit: