Network Communications News (NCN) June 2017 | Page 18

HOT TOPIC Seeing off the cyber threat Our grandparents’ generation will tell us they lived in areas where they could leave their front doors unlocked when they went to work or at night, says Paul McCann, regional sales manager, UK & Ireland at Tyco Security Products. S adly, those days have gone and every home nowadays will be securely locked, with many equipped with intruder alarms or even video surveillance. Security in the business world has also had to reflect changes in society with investment needed in the latest electronic security technologies in order to protect property, people, data and assets. With increased migration from legacy analogue systems to IP network based solutions, there is the added threat to the integrity of the actual systems that are supposed to be offering protection. This threat can come via the security systems’ ‘back door’. More about this later, but the responsibility for this lies squarely with manufacturers, rather than end users. The introduction of IP network security solutions has delivered significant benefits, not the least of which has been the ability to integrate a wide range of security, building management and business intelligence systems. The result had been to deliver a far more powerful, effective, and easy to use solution that enables businesses to identify opportunities to be more productive, ensure compliance with health & safety policies and help security personnel keep one step ahead of thieves, vandals and saboteurs. The potential downside to IP based systems is that they are open to cyber attack and there 18 | June 2017 have been many incidents over recent years of security systems being compromised by the determined efforts of individual opportunistic hackers, as well as organised criminal gangs, who have succeeded in obtaining access to confidential data or video. If you are a small business owner with perhaps one or two fashion stores, having your security system hacked into may not seem a major issue, even though you have an obligation to respect your customers’ privacy and data. However, if you are involved in mission critical activities which demand a high level of security, malicious cyber attacks can have dire consequences. The Threat N ew s p a p e r a r t i c l e s ove r re c e nt m o nt h s h ave h i g h l i g hte d t h e p ote nt i a l r i s k of I P n et wo r k b a s e d s e c u r i t y s y s te m s b e i n g ta rgete d b y h a c ke r s , w h i l s t i n a Vo i c e of A m e r i c a a r t i c l e , a m a n u fa ct u re r of v i d e o s u r ve i l l a n c e c a m e ra s ra i s e d a p a r t i c u l a r co n c e r n a b o u t s e c u r i t y d ev i c e s ‘ e n g i n e e re d fo r ef fo r t l e s s h a c k i n g ’ b e i n g p ro d u c e d b y a m a n u fa ct u re r p a r t l y ow n e d b y t h e C h i n e s e gove r n m e nt . At a W h i te H o u s e Summit on Cybersecurity and C o n s u m e r P rote ct i o n , P re s i d e nt B a ra c k O b a m a ra i s e d a n i m p o r ta nt p a ra d ox : ‘ t h e ve r y te c h n o l o g y t h at c a n b e u s e d to d o g re at go o d c a n a l s o b e u s e d to i m p e r i l u s a n d d o g re at h a r m . ’