Network Communications News (NCN) April 2017 | Page 23

WIRELESS NETWORKS W h e n E ka h a u wa s d eve l o p i n g t h e s o f t wa re , g re at c o n s i d e rat i o n wa s p u t i nto t h e re p o r t i n g f u n ct i o n a l i t y , a s re s e a rc h s h owe d re p o r t i n g to b e a ge n e ra l b u rd e n , w h i c h E ka h a u h a s ove rc o m e . W i t h t h e c u s to m e r i n m i n d t h e s of t wa re p rov i d e s a u s e r f r i e n d l y , e a s y to u n d e r s ta n d re p o r t w i t h v i s u a l h e at m a p s , s u g ge s t i n g i t s ow n a c c e s s p o i nt re c o m m e n d at i o n s . T h i s re p o r t , w h i c h c a n b e f u l l y b ra n d e d , i s c o m p l ete l y e d i ta b l e s h o u l d t h e o p e rato r w i s h to ove r r i d e a n y i n fo r m at i o n . Ekaha u Site Sur vey (E SS ) i s cu r rentl y us ed univer s a l l y by I T profes s ion a l s a nd a gil e enou gh to be deplo yed a c ro s s all bu i lding types a nd s ize s , whet her exis tin g premis e s o r new build pro j ects . The d ive r s it y of t he sof twa re ca me into it s ow n recentl y at The Hel s ink i Ex hi bi t io n a n d Convent io n C e nt re whi c h i s the l a rges t co nve nt io n ce ntre in Fin l a nd, with 58,0 0 0 m 2 of ex hi bitio n s pa ce, 53 m e et ing fac i li t i es a nd a broa d range of conferen ce s er vices . Each year the events held in the convention centre attract on average 9,400 exhibitors and more than 1.1 million exhibition visitors. The Helsinki Convention Centre decided to upgrade its Wi-Fi network as the existing wireless installation was no longer able to meet the requirements of today’s network demands. The centre’s new Wi-Fi installation required meeting the connectivity demands of thousands of users simultaneously carrying devices, ranging from mobile devices to high end laptops, so the site’s Wi-Fi network must have enough capacity and intelligence to support real time applications and exhibitors’ streaming video presentations in addition to the more typical network traffic generated by visitors. The two biggest halls could have up to 10,000 concurrent WLAN devices within a single coverage area, emphasising the importance of minimal cochannel inter ference and the utilisation of highest possible data rates. As each exhibition is different from an RF perspective, the convention centre has to be able to fine tune the Wi-Fi network easily without being forced to make any extensive network changes. ‘Designing for capacity is much more in-depth than designing for coverage.’ The 3D Wi-Fi Network Planner in the Ekahau Site Survey software was used for predictive planning and pre-deployment site surveys, testing different configurations at the planned AP locations. Multiple validation surveys were executed using the software during different events to achieve optimal network configurations. During and after the completion of the Helsinki Convention Centre’s WLAN installation, Ekahau Wi-Fi tools proved to be instrumental in planning and testing the network performance. Enabling mobile clients to quickly connect to the strongest access point, which is something that is easily verified with Ekahau Site Survey. If you would like to find out how Ekahau Wi-Fi Site Survey can be used for your upcoming projects, you can contact Ekahau’s UK Premier Partner, Square 1 Products, on 01925 530 111 or email simon.cummings@ April 2017 | 23