NETRA News June 2019 | Page 12

What attracted you to Paradox?

It's a beautiful piece of property located between the Adirondack's and the Green Mountains of Vermont. The track itself has a great flow over the natural topography of the land. That kind of track appeals to all riders.

What have you learned about owning a motocross track since you took over...good/bad?

We have been through one full season which has been a learning experience. There's a tremendous amount of preparation with getting the track ready for practice and race day....more than I had anticipated. There is a lot of coordination and preparation that goes into running these events. We want to make sure they run smoothly and that everyone has a fun and safe experience.

What are future plans for Paradox?

Traditionally, Paradox was used solely for motocross races. We will continue to host the same motocross races but are looking to branch to other styles of racing like NETRA hare scrambles, the NY Off-road series, and NEATV.

What can be expected for the Pathfinders' NETRA event?

We are looking forward to hosting this NETRA Paradox race weekend. It is a beautiful place to bring the family for a weekend of racing and outdoor fun. There are ponds for fishing so be sure to bring your poles. The course will have a little bit of everything. Sunday's race will utilize the full motocross track, have sections of grass track, and rocky gnarly technical single track. We are excited to host this event and look forward to seeing our NETRA family and friends.