Nestlé University Catalogue (January to December 2014) | Page 37
GLOBE Brand Planner for Approvers
(Offline and Online Approvers)
Course Description:
In this course designed for Brand Planner Approvers, you’ll get an overview of our Brand Planner
system that we use to plan and manage our marketing budgets. You will also learn when and how to
approve plans and activities.
Who is this course for?
All Marketers who have no Brand Planner experience and will be approving budgets in the system
(Marketing Leaders) or offline before system entry (Marketing Managers)
How long is the course?
This is a 2-hour course.
What should I expect?
By the end of the course you will be able to:
• Support your team in the use of the Brand Planner system and process.
• Check marketing budgets in Brand Planner to ensure they are complete and correct.
• Approve plans in Brand Planner.
Pre-course work
Meet with your Line Manager to discuss and agree learning objectives.
Post-course work
Meet with your Line Manager to discuss and review how these skills tie back to your PDG
development plans and your PE objectives.
How much does it cost: There is no charge for this course.
For further information or to register for this training, please contact:
[email protected]
When is this course running?
Throughout the year when there are a minimum of 2 participants.