Planning Ahead to Protect Your Home
Starkweather & Shepley offers six ways to prevent water damage to your home . EDITED BY KERRI TALLMAN
I MAGINE 20,000 GALLONS OF WATER RUNNING DOWN FROM THE attic of your beach house while you ’ re 1,000 miles away . It seeps through your custom wood floors , ruining priceless artwork and beloved family photos , and drenching brandnew furniture and your children ’ s toys . Eventually , the ceiling and frame give way . The result ? $ 2 million worth of damage .
Water damage has consistently ranked as the costliest cause of loss year after year .
Not surprisingly , many large losses occur when the owners aren ’ t home . With no one around to notice it , water can run undetected for days — or even longer — causing considerable damage to a home and its contents .
While cold weather often plays a part in large water losses , it ’ s not always to blame . System failures and mechanical breakdowns also make up a fair share of these incidents , resulting in water damage claims all over the nation . That ’ s why it ’ s important for all homeowners to take precautions to help prevent water damage . Whether you ’ re planning to be away for a short vacation or leaving for the season , Starkweather & Shepley offers steps to help reduce the chances of suffering a water loss .