ETSY : jojolarue
ARTIST MEDIUM : Watercolor
GETTING STARTED I always wanted to learn watercolor , so I enrolled in an adult education course I would go to after work in Cambridge , Massachusetts . I really started to grow more on my own once I started exploring subjects of particular interest to me , especially food , pop culture and color .
INSPIRATIONS A lot of my work is inspired by my own sweet tooth , and the color and structure of beautiful pastries , desserts and other foods . I feel inspired when I can break away from the standard watercolor motifs of flowers , fruit , and landscapes , though I can enjoy exploring those too !
CREATIVE PROCESS It starts with a file full of inspirational images , so when the mood strikes I can always dive in and find somewhere to start . The early stages of new work can feel intimidating and there are many points in the process when it doesn ’ t seem possible that the end result will work out , but usually it does , one way or another . I love the flexibility and fluidity of watercolor ; it can lead to a lot of happy little surprises along the way .
PRICE RANGE $ 15 - $ 30 for prints ( based on size ) Originals priced individually
ETSY : HumbleeStudio l humbleestudio . com
ARTIST MEDIUM : Digital illustration / vector work
FINDING HER PASSION When choosing a major for college I naturally gravitated towards anything involving art in one way or another . I attended Johnson and Wales University and studied graphic design and digital media . The design program at JWU is where I found my passion for design and never looked back .
WHAT PIECE ARE YOU MOST PROUD OF ? “ The Land God Made In Anger .” The cool blue and the warm yellows compliment the story and overall composition in this piece : a sandy desert parallel to the rough ocean with a shamanic heron bringing a healing mushroom to anyone or thing in need . The setting was inspired by the Skeleton Coast in Namibia .
CREATIVE PROCESS I enjoy going out and taking photos and imagining the subjects in surreal universes . I combine my photos together to make a new world and then I start sketching . I make additional changes to the composition and then I start my vector work on my iPad and use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop for the finishing touches .
PRICE RANGE $ 32 –$ 148