NEST 2021 | Page 9

TAKING A STAND DIY an antique dresser as the next standout piece in your home . Not only is a refurbished dresser ideal for a TV stand , but it also serves as a distraction from the unsightly black box in your living room . Either use a piece you already own or find a dresser that is long enough to hold your television . Then , paint it , stain it or sand it down to its original wood tone to match the rest of your decor . Add your own flair to your DIY dresser by switching out the knobs and pulls to better fit your style . An added bonus ? A dresser-turned-TV-stand provides practical storage for movies , games and more below !

THREE WAYS to Get the ‘ Old ’ Smell Out of Antique Furniture
Does your antique have a funky , old or musty smell ? It probably just needs a little TLC !
DRYER SHEETS AND BAKING SODA First and foremost , fresh air and sunshine are key . Get your piece outside for a breath of fresh air . If your piece has a mild or even moderate smell , put baking soda in a bowl and place it inside your furniture . Leave it for about a week to absorb the smell . Dryer sheets can also be placed inside the furniture for a more pleasant scent . This may not completely remove the smell , but it will certainly mask it .
MURPHY ’ S OIL SOAP This pure vegetable oil soap not only cleans wood , but it also helps eliminate stinky aromas , too . Simply pour the original solution on a clean rag and wipe ! Or , try the pre-packaged soft wipes and get your furniture smelling new again .
WATER AND VINEGAR SOLUTION Vinegar is a natural disinfectant . So , dilute it with a one-toone water ratio ( white vinegar works best !) and use a clean rag to thoroughly wipe it down . Plus , this natural cleaning solution is an excellent alternative to harsh chemicals .
Local Antique Stores TO F IND Q UALITY PIECES
Looking for an antique piece to rehab ? ( You don ’ t actually have to go trash picking !) Just check out Facebook Marketplace , local buy and trade groups and antique vendors like the ones listed below .
ANTIQUES ALLEY 711 Putnam Pike , Greenville , 401-949-4999 , stillwaterantiques . net
THE FIND ON 6 2953 Hartford Ave ., Johnston , 401-764-0651 , thefindon6 . com
NOSTALGIA ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES 236 Wickenden St ., Providence , 401-400-5810 , nostalgiaprovidence . com
MIKE ’ S ESTATE SERVICES 65 Manchester St ., West Warwick , 401-825-7670 , mikesestateservices . com
RHODE ISLAND ANTIQUES MALL 345 Fountain St ., Pawtucket , 401-475-3400 , riantiquesmall . com
FOUR ECHOES 380 Fall River Ave ., Seekonk , MA , 508-336-0800 , fourechoes . org ◆