NEST 2021 | Page 58

performing any other material on the exterior . These are also more durable and can be repainted , affording the trendconscious homeowners the opportunity to change things up down the line . Next , the owners ’ bathroom required a large picture window at the back of the house , so Red House specified a Marvin Signature awning window that is perfect for bath ventilation and permits an uninterrupted view of the backyard from the comfort of the soaking tub . Then , while replacing a second-floor sitting area window , the Red House team discovered invasive rot . The lead carpenter removed the affected areas — including exterior stucco , sheathing , framing and insulation — and replaced studs as needed as well as new sheathing and trim . Finally , with the installation of so many new windows , this project could have easily led to a costly , whole-house interior paint job . Instead , Red House engineered a creative workaround that let them replace the windows without disturbing the walls or casing — only touch up paint was required inside . No one likes unforeseen issues during renovation , but when it happens , there is nothing better than an expert on-site to deal with it efficiently and with best practices .

In the end , the home is an overall winner . Quite literally , in fact , as phase one received the 2020 EM-NARI Contractor of the Year Silver Award for Residential Interiors , while phase two earned the 2021 National Contractor of the Year NARI Regional Award for Residential Exteriors .
But the work hasn ’ t stopped there . Red House just finished building out a playhouse in the basement for the couple ’ s daughter , and the team is set to start on a large addition and landscape project . From the beginning , the master plan for the renovation included specs for a family room addition and a new raised patio . Knowing they would eventually be demolished , Red House left the original patio doors in place , yet still made sure to update them with four-lite grills and black paint to match the rest of the house in the meantime . The Calores are thrilled with their home so far and look forward to working with Red House Design Build again . ◆