STEP 2 : MIX ELEMENTS Not everything on your coffee table should be made from the same material or the same colors . Mix up objects with glass , wood , etc . Not only does this help with color variation but it adds a variety of texture , too . Insert a book or two of different colors into your tray ( hard cover works best !).
STEP 3 : INCORPORATE FLOW Fabric not only adds a variety of elements and texture , but it also allows the set up to flow organically , too . Simply open up a tea towel all the way , then place it on top of your books with a small section hanging over the tray . Let it sit as it naturally falls .
STEP 4 : ADD GREENERY Fresh or faux , it doesn ' t matter what type of plant you use , just go green . Not only does a plant add both a pop of color and texture to the table , but it adds height , too . A simple arrangement of fresh flowers do just fine .
STEP 5 : MAINTAIN BALANCE There ' s nothing worse than having knick-knacks clutter a space . Finish off your coffee table styling by displaying items that vary in size . All large items make it feel too heavy and all small items may get visually lost . Smaller items include a candle jar , coasters , a beaded garland etcetera , and larger items include taper candles or candlesticks . Mix it up !
Florals from Flowers by Semia , 1 Sims Ave ., Providence , 232-5353 , semiafloral . com ; Candle from Aster Candle , astercandle . com . ◆