Nepalese - Mental health and gender based violence 2020 | Page 181

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Gender in humanitarian crises
Inter-Agency Standing Committee ( 2006 ). Women , girls , boys and men : Different needs – equal opportunities . At : http :// www . unhcr . org / 50f91c999 . html . This handbook offers practical guidance on being sensitive to gender issues in humanitarian crises . It presents basic principles , definitions and a framework for gender and gender equality . It explains why the concept of gender is crucial in crisis situations . kl / lzi6
Norwegian Refugee Council ( NRC ) ( 2008 ). Prevention of and response to gender based violence . In Camp Management Toolkit , Chapter 10 . At : http :// www . nrc . no / arch /_ img / 9293565 . pdf .
Communication Skills Manual . At : http :// www . rhrc . org / resources / gbv / comm _ manual / comm _ manual _ toc . html . The GBV Communication Skills Manual is a collaboration between Family Health International ( FHI ), the RHRC Consortium , and the IRC . The manual includes a training outline , a list of materials , a detailed training curriculum , and hand outs .
International Rescue Committee and UNICEF ( 2011 ). Advancing the field : Caring for child survivors of sexual abuse in humanitarian settings . A Review of Promising Practices to Improve Case Management , Psychosocial & Mental Health Interventions , and Clinical Care for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse . At : http :// www . unicef . org / pacificislands / IRC _ CCSGuide _ FullGuide _ lowres . pdf .
International Rescue Committee and UNICEF ( 2012 ). Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse – Guidelines for health and psychosocial service providers in humanitarian settings . At : http :// www . unicef . org / protection / files / IRC _ CCSGuide _ FullGuide _ lowres . pdf .
UNICEF , Save the Children , Government of Zimbabwe ( 2012 ). Protecting Children Affected by Abuse : the Victim Friendly System . At : http :// mhpss . net /? get = 49 / 1320134934-VictimFriendlySystemBrochure-15June2011 . pdf . The Victim Friendly System is the culmination of a number of initiatives aimed at providing essential support services to boys and girls affected by abuse .
Reporting and documentation ( gathering forensic evidence )
Gender-based Violence Area of Responsibility Working Group ( GBV AoR ) ( 2010 ). Dos and Don ’ ts for collecting , analyzing and reporting on sexual violence . In GBV coordination handbook . At : http :// gbvaor . net / wp-content / uploads / sites / 3 / 2012 / 10 / Handbook-for-Coordinating-Genderbased-Violence-in-Humanitarian-Settings-GBV-AoR-2010-ENGLISH . pdf .
Giffard , C . ( 2000 ). Torture Reporting Handbook . Human Rights Centre , University of Essex / UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office . At : http :// www . essex . ac . uk / torturehandbook / english . htm # copyright .