NEO Magazine Issue 3 | Page 75

there somewhere . Therefore , and thereof , seeded by , or from , this progenitor big-bang moment , the universe , being consciousness itself , if seen hylozoistically , 13 the quality of the universe is Consciousness and aggregates of That Consciousness .
“ I was going away from myself . I was everything ; or rather everything was in me , inanimate and animate , the mountain , the worm , and all breathing things ” ~ Krishnamurti
Consciousness , an energetic-force-quality , is animating fiery intelligence life ( primordial-light-electricity ) as manifested in and through animate and inanimate forms of energetic intelligence in space time . Is this true ? Do you want to find out ? Well do ya ? For we exist in the confines of planet Earth facing extinction .
“ The ultimate existential issue is , of course , death-and , like all other philosophical and existential questions , the matter of death avoided as much as possible 14 ” ~ Fritjof Capra
“ The Gadget ” in the desert of Jornada del Muerto , 56 km south east of Socorro , New Mexico , at precisely 5:29:45am on July 16 th 1945 . The overripe fruit of the Manhattan Project , “ The Trinity Explosion ” produced from an “ implosion-type nuclear weapon ,” shadowed human conscience as it now shrouds human consciousness . The United States had constructed a means to destroy ourselves and all other life that share the blue-hazed confines of this glorious abundant space ship called mother earth , with nowhere else to go having not cut the umbilical cord . Death was coming to Japan as it now stalks us . In Hiroshima is the shadow of a man on a stone wall . Former premier of Sweden , Olaf Palme , on seeing it later remarked : “ My fear is that mankind itself will end up as nothing more than a shadow on a wall .” Are these but words ?
Our actions must now match our words ‘ not in our name .’ How will we find solutions to continued existence if we think one word , say another and then do something at complete odds with what we had initially thought ? We have developed words to understand other words concerning phenomena which affect human consciousness and self expression .
Another Big Bang
So , are the above but words , numbers , and myths for you ? Certainly Robert Oppenheimer thought of words from the Bhagavad Gita as death flashed from
A . A . Bailey , A Treatise on Cosmic Fire . Lucis Publishing Company , 113 University Place , 11th Floor Box 722 P . O . Cooper Station New York . N . Y . 10276 . Thirteenth Printing , 1989 ( 4th Paperback Edition ). Page 693 Hylozoism : from Greek “ Ule ,” matter ; “ zoon ,” animal ; and “ ism .” Ism is a suffix embodying the doctrine or abstract idea of the noun to which it is attached . Hylozoism is the doctrine that all matter is endowed with life . “ When we have attained to this conception of hylozoism of a living material universe , the mystery of nature will be solved .” - Standard Dictionary .
14 http :// mwcnews . net / focus / analysis / 25749-when-a-mother-dies . html