NEO Magazine Issue 3 | Page 63

In the overall birth centre design layout there is a support centre, which would contain emergency facilities (should they be required), support accommodation and gathering / celebration / ritual space. The design of each of the Pods would allow for mains power at the flick of a switch back at the centre. This demonstrates one aspect of how we can consciously design a space to maximum benefit of both birthing models. Construction In terms of construction, the Birth Pod is a very easy space to build, and the choice of materials, expertise and technology are very available all over the world. Curves involve less materials, are structurally stronger and much more fun to build. They are pleasing to the eye and provide ample opportunity for individual expression. Building one off unique spaces that resonate with the culture and environment are such a joy to manifest and add so much to the richness of the community. Even within the modern medical model, there is scope to provide such a facility on the grounds of a hospital, and avail of the full service of possibilities that result from such a partnership. There is also the possibility to install one of the Birth Pod egg spaces within an existing maternity ward, and offer this space to mothers who are drawn to give birth in the safety and security of such an enclosed space. The commercial viability of such a project is assured, as more and more people are considering their options and with some reflection are naturally drawn to a process and resulting facility which can provide a less stressed environment. Social, Ecological and Economic Potential The Birth Pod is a vital facility and provides the launch pad for a baby to develop into their full potential, which is the kernel of a healthy and vibrant society. A baby who experiences a relatively gentle birth and is given the opportunity to naturally and directly connect with the mother is bound into a profoundly intimate relationship which achieves optimal physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development. The social implications are astounding and could change the very way we live, approach life and indeed die. It is worth noting that many of the principles and elements demonstrated and incorporated into this design proposal are equally relevant and applicable to a sacred and ‘successful’ death also.