NEO Magazine Issue 1 | Page 64

the connection between crop circles & free-energy technologies patty greer new earth academy of phenomenology my perception on this aspect of the crop-circle phenomenon My love of the English countryside and the treasure hunt for Crop Circles has called me back many summers to Wiltshire England, the epicenter of the Crop Circle phenomenon. When the wheat is ripe the Circlemakers begin to swirl their messages into the fields. They are quick and precise and rarely seen, communicating in a language we both understand: art + math. Some of the most notable Crop Circles messages have been deciphered as binary codes and sacred geometries over the years. They have offered keys of wisdom about their advanced technologies, trusting that we will take notice. Distant star maps and political warnings have also been deciphered in these coded Crop Circle messages. ETs have been delivering Crop Circle messages to humanity for centuries using symbols, mathematics and recognizable shapes. Perhaps it is time that we answer their call, my perception is that many Crop Circles are real! They may be direct