NEO Magazine Issue 1 | Page 57

how each particle of growth is like the formation of a world from fragments.” There was a time - as a matter of fact, up until recently – when science believed in genetic determinism: sperm met egg and afterwards an intricate pre-programmed series of events would take place following precise genetic guidelines leading to the birth of a baby often considered a “blank slate,” unable to feel, taste, smell, hear, see and communicate. Nothing can be further from the truth at the dawn of the 21st Century equipped with new modalities for assessing babies abilities, new findings in neurophysiology and the advent epigenetics. We know now that our way of being affects how our genes express themselves – or don’t –, and during pregnancy this is of utmost relevance: no more Nature x Nurture. In fact, these two have always gone hand in hand! No wonder so many rulers throughout history have behaved in such detrimental ways, seldom minding the greater good… Marriages were arranged to serve political interests, plenitude during pregnancy was never considered a must amid social elites, wetnurses and preceptors took care of royal offspring. Page after page, history books illustrate despotism, massacre, pillage, ravage, greed, indifference, treason and cruelty, all stemming from a severely low self- esteem. At New Earth Nation, we embrace the understanding that how a pregnant mother eats, how she feels, how she sees herself and the universe, her ideas, ideals and imagination become the very matter from which, and with which babies are formed. “In our body we are poets, creators of a thousand tissues,” sings Chilean poet Joakin Bello, inviting us to be conscious of how we live and create ourselves. Cosmic Intelligence has entrusted pregnant mothers with the power of conveying their most inner being to the making of Earth’s new arrivals. Thus what we live in the womb is forever present in our body and psyche as a gossamer watermark, “a fundamental unifying principle underlying everything else – including DNA,” explains early human development expert Marcy Axness in her seminal book Parenting for Peace. WALK AMONG TREES Walk among trees and choose one to be your friend. Touch it with joy and reverence: it is made of energies from the sun, the air, the earth and the rains. Lean back on the tree with your right hand on your pregnant belly. Place you left hand at the back, palm pressing the trunk. Now ask the tree to share energies with your baby and you. Feel the intensity of the currents flowing. Afterwards give your tree a big hug of thanks from the two of you. For a baby-in-womb, every smile, every joy and inspiration the mother feels, signal that the world out here is worth engaging in, that it is safe to choose growth, trust and expansion (versus fear, tension and protection). In her book, The Oxytocin Factor, researcher Kerstin Uvnäs Moberg explores how calm, love, joy, growth and healing require the workings of oxytocin, a hormone and neurotransmitter – and its related hormones – in our organism. Adrenaline and oxytocin are antagonistic. Sadly, lack of joy, despondency and chronic stress during pregnancy deprive mother and baby of the life-dance they were made to dance. Spiritual master Omraam insisted that even under the best political/economic regimes, human societies will still not thrive if the major significance of prenatal life is not addressed. For instance, specific brain areas for compassion and empathy demand harmonious conditions for their optimal development, the same goes for resiliency, attention and self-mastery… Is our race still on its way of becoming human?