NEO Magazine Issue 1 | Page 32

doing with great gravity and great beauty. We are effecting the opposite. We’re talking about decentralizing and getting people out of cities. Fundamentally speaking, cities are miasms. Cities are cancers. If you look at a body where you have a tumour, that is a miasm. A miasm is an energetic dysfunction that occurs. It’s either imposed or it occurs from some mutation in and of itself. But once that miasm occurs it accretes into a tumour and when that tumour is out of control it becomes a cancer and the cancer kills. A city, Rome, London or Londinium, to use its true name, Washington, all of these cities are the most egregious cancers. They are accreted false values, idolatry, and worship of false light. That is what brings people to cities. It is the promise, the lure of gold, and the lure of success, of whatever. It doesn’t matter; it’s false light worship, it’s Luciferianism. Cities are the accreted value of Luciferianism and we need to ultimately disengage from those miasms in order to get the body back into its true default. People need to leave those artificial vertical high-rises and go back into the agrarian communities where the soles of their feet reconnect with the elemental intelligence of the Earth and thereby boot them back into the immortal paradigm. So we’re kind of being drawn upward in cities, falsely, as a Luciferian promise, the citadels of Babel drawing us up toward the atmosphere where we’re trying to reconnect with Yahweh and Jehovah and Zod the Almighty; these aggressive, angry, jealous old gods that really need to leave us once and for all. Cities are the accreted value of Luciferianism and we need to ultimately disengage from those miasms in order to get the body back into its true default. People need to leave those artificial vertical high-rises and go back into the agrarian communities where the soles of their feet reconnect with the elemental intelligence of the Earth and thereby boot them back into the immortal paradigm.