NEO Magazine Issue 1 | Page 30

Konstantin Korotkov, Dan Winter, Nassim Haramein, very great minds have
proven out much of this stuff nowadays. So, it’s just a question of us wanting now sufficiently to withdraw from the old order of things, which is entropic, intellectually dead and physically very harmful, and step out of that and step into the new. I believe that every single human being that has warm blood, and I don’t mean that as a joke, will resonate absolutely to this. This is the coming of age. It’s our graduation. It’s also the only exit strategy that is really presenting itself that I can see. DM: Speaking of exit strategies, I’ve been drawing some comparisons with Michael Tellinger’s work in Ubuntu Contributionism, I know he’s been working with the New Earth Nation a lot. Like you said, you don’t want to see fractal communities all over the place and not having any purpose, but do you see that with time those communities, as Michael Tellinger describes, will become an example that then cascades into affecting everyone in terms of cities and towns everywhere and creating that domino effect? SS: Yes, of course! What I meant by ‘I don’t want to see tens of thousands of fractal communities staying as fractal communities’ is that I want to see them evolve into the next stage of creative evolution; which is reflected in Mandelbrot or M-set mathematics. Whereby the fractal roll-out looks very ordered at certain points and then it breaks off into completely disparate weirdness, which becomes very inorganic in the
way it looks, re-energising the formality and orientation of structure. In the same way I envision, if we’re successful, that our fractal communities will end up hybridizing into all sorts of weird and wonderful expressions of architecture and build-out of communities and villages and homesteads. The fractal is really the
node. The fractal community is the node point. It’s like the cluster, which is a necessary point, the acupressure point, of where the logic that we’re deploying is most infused. But then I would like to see people building out and creating th eir own realities. People are able to do that even now with the master planning that we’re doing in the community models. There are plots of land adjunct to the fractal communities where people can simply take on a plot of land and build out what the hell they want, provided it doesn’t contaminate the other community. DM: Right, which inherently pulls people off the grid, out of the city structure and the toxicity which that involves… SS: Yes, the square walls, the angles which trap