NEO Magazine Issue 1 | Page 22

DM: How would you describe New Earth Nation to someone who might not be able to see in these terms, someone who might not be sure what its purpose is? The way you just described it there, is that how you would describe it to someone on the street? SS: I wouldn’t describe it to someone on the street because we’re not in the business of proselytizing or prognosticating to anything or anyone in this veil of tears. So the short answer is, it would depend entirely on how the question was fashioned, and by whom. Because every animal is different, and if I am speaking to a Midwest Christian Baptist I’m going to be speaking with a certain tone and a certain lexicon. If I am speaking to a 23 year-old rabid activist I am going to be speaking a different language. DM: It’s just whether or not the person receiving that language has the capacity to take it in and do something with it, right? SS: Yes and it’s simple stuff, simple math. Does one understand or comprehend that sovereignty is the same as consciousness and that consciousness is the same as sovereignty? Does one comprehend that one cannot be sovereign without being conscious and one cannot be conscious without being sovereign? Does one understand that time, money, and fear are the same equation? Can one see that they are absolutely the same value, the same thing, or not? If one cannot see that time, money and fear are the same thing, then one is not equal to the conversation of sovereignty or of consciousness. So again, like attracts like in this sense. One can only put out the right signals, which is what we’re endeavouring to do with the New Earth Nation, in the hope that those signals act as a beacon to others through the laws of resonance. But it’s not about proselytizing, so I wouldn’t speak on the street. We are not seeking members or assets. DM: Okay. I can already see what you’re saying is happening. The people who are able to take in that language and understand the message are all coming together. I suppose this also leads to the same sort of response to people who say “Oh this isn’t going to work”. Well if they say it’s not going to work, they’re not understanding the language. Right? SS: It’s hardly worth engaging with that attitude because it’s an intellectually dead attitude. It has no life to it. Why would one engage with it if it is dead? DM: Now as you were saying in terms of time, money, and fear…once we’ve done away with those things, how will people in New Earth communities, retreats or any other New Earth location be spending their time on a daily basis when they have all this time to spend? SS: Simply put, we engage with creative expression. Because when you are not being driven by time, being owned by money, and being motivated through fear then one naturally sits upon the grass, so to speak, and engages with creative enterprise. So we begin to build the most beautiful world that each of us can conceive of, starting with our adobe hut. We start to remember our “Be present and fully attentive in the now. Let the entire universal vibral mind of creation inform this moment in time-space. In this space, let me become one with Creator and let me then fulfill my highest potential, my noble expression”