NENA Newsline Summer 2017 | Page 4

In this feature, we ask a NENA member to share his or her perspectives. Our summer spotlight shines on Jesse Rodrigues Jr., a longtime member and current Director of the New England Nursery Association Board of Directors.

Jesse Rodrigues Jr

Rhode Island Nurseries

Middletown, RI

Type of Business:

Wholesale Nursery

Years in Business:

(Rhode Island Nurseries): 122

What was your first job in the industry?

My first job in the Green Industry was actually working for Rhode Island Nurseries during the summer months while I attended college. Even though I did not continue working in the green industry when I first completed college, it was definitely a great foundation for what to expect when I decided to return.

Who was your mentor when you were first starting out, and why?

I did not have a “green industry” mentor when I first started.  Even though I worked at the nursery for my college summers, my education was not in plant science or for that part any aspect of the green industry.  Thus, when I started in the green industry most of my mentors were in traditional agriculture and its supporting and processing industries.  I had the great opportunity to have worked for many great people--too many to write down here--but they all taught me to treat a business as if it were your own, give it your best, and take care of yourself. 

What advice would you share with people just starting out in your industry?

There are a lot of opportunities that are always evolving.  While our industry is traditionally agrarian in nature, it has evolved into a multifaceted modern workplace where theory, application, art, and science come together to build our communities while addressing the growing challenges of climate change, rising population, and quality of life.  The choices are endless and the variety of jobs is amazing all the way from mechanical engineering to fine gardening. What other industry offers that?

From your perspective, what is the biggest change you see for the industry on the horizon?

People.  While there are many opportunities in our industry, we need to do a better job of promoting ourselves and the quality of what we do.  Our work and products are integrated into so many people’s lives but we rarely collect the necessary credit to make ourselves and our employees recognized and appreciated.  Like most industries, the work is hard and the time required is countless if you want to make a difference and get ahead.  We need to better communicate to the public the value of those hours and the results that help create our communities so that the next generation of employees are willing to help us address the challenges of the future.

"...our industry has evolved into a multifaceted modern workplace where theory, application, art, and science come together to build our communities, while addressing the growing challenges of climate change, rising population, and quality of life."

What is your favorite plant? Why?

Corn.  I am sure this is getting quite a few eye rolls. As I previously mentioned, I do not have a formal education in horticulture but I was greatly involved in production agriculture when I was younger. I am always