Neighbourhood mothers 2017 Neighborhood mothers: Community change agents | Page 3

A UNIQUE NETWORK OF WOMEN A message from our Executive Director Johanna Sjöholm The Neighbourhood Mothers trained by Nicehearts ry form a unique network of women: the members are those who have attended and completed the training to be a Neighbourhood Mother. This network is also part of the larger International Neighbourhood Mothers Network that includes both the Danish and German Neighbourhood Mothers. While developing, forming and expanding activities, it is the workers, trainees and volunteers, finance partners and support partners who are involved. What is key is that the members of this network of Neighbourhood Mothers have vast amounts of skills, knowledge and know-how that is shared with others. Such a unique network has huge potential to effect positive changes in women, families, groups, communities, neighborhood areas, cities and thereby in whole of Finland and Europe. In order to accomplish our goals, it important that each member of the Neighbourhood Mothers’ network understands the role of a Neighbourhood Mother and works towards achieving this goal together with others. Even though the main goal of our activities is not toward employment, most Neighbourhood Mothers have been successful in getting jobs or study opportunities. Our activities empower women and their dreams come true, one step at a time. In fact, Neighbourhood Mothers play a very important role in our society because they meet and function where women are and work to promote the welfare of women and families. Neighbourhood Mothers build trust and thereby also help to increase each woman’s skills and knowledge about social participation. If it weren’t for our Neighbourhood Mothers, many would have fallen through the cracks. Thus, Neighbourhood Mothers preempt societal isolation and alienation, and help people become a part of the community. This is also because Neighbourhood Mothers believe in meaningful actions: activities that provide much needed support, including activities that help establish bonds through free-time activities. Neighbourhood Mothers thus act as a bridge between women and families, associations and the public administration. Indeed, the success of each Neighbourhood Mother is not just individual, but also collective!