While the initial idea and concept originated in Rotterdam , Netherlands – the Neighbourhood Mothers ’ project “ Rugzak ” focuses mostly on language support ( a concept followed in German cities such as Essen or Wiesbaden ), the concept for Berlin has much bigger and diverse aspirations . It aspires to directly provide concrete support and suggestions for families dealing with questions of education , parenting , and family matters .
A Neighbourhood Mother : the German way
In Germany , Neighbourhood Mothers are agents of change within their own homes and within their own communities . They are the ones who know and understand the needs and wishes of the families they work with and use their common native language to communicate . Owing to the cultural and social closeness of the Neighbourhood Mother with families in need and her nonbureaucratic help , the trust of these families is gained , and with it , access to families and parents who could not otherwise have been reached by the educational system or the administration . One does not have to be an actual mother to become a Neighbourhood Mother ! Neighbourhood Mothers are mostly unemployed women from diverse immigrant backgrounds who receive a basic qualification in healthcare , children ’ s development and education . Furthermore , Neighbourhood Mothers are helped to enter the job market . They are supported with job preparedness trainings and taught how create job applications . In Germany , the practical work and qualification period for Neighbourhood Mothers is usually six months and ends with a formal final event . Afterwards , the new Neighbourhood Mothers start their practical work : they visit other families in their neighbourhood and share their knowledge .
A Neighbourhood Mother regularly visits each family at least 10 times . Apart from family visits , Neighbourhood Mothers are active and publicly available for consultation in various locations such as family cafés , day-care centers and schools . Families and parents in need of help can approach Neighbourhood Mothers , anonymously if required , and can get help and advice for free . If necessary , help is also provided in the native language of the particular family . Printed guidelines and bilingual materials are also used to help support the interactions of the Neighbourhood Mothers with families in need . It is important to note that Neighbourhood Mothers do not give professional help , but they provide people in need with concrete information about where such help is available .
Project aims
The aim of the Neighbourhood Mothers ’ project is twofold : On one hand , families in need are in focus and Neighbourhood Mothers help to strengthen the educational competencies of immigrant parents and enhance their children ’ s educational opportunities , but on the other hand , the focus is also on the actual Neighbourhood Mother herself , as the project helps to improve the integration of such women in the job market . Most of the women who receive training are unemployed before they become a Neighbourhood Mother , but , after the period of training and qualification as a Neighbourhood Mother , they have a new self-esteem and confidence : they earn their own money , they have aims and tasks and feel needed again . They become a role-model for others .