Neighbors March 2011 | Page 3

Neighbors Grounded EDITOR, PHOTOGRAPHER, DESIGN & PRODUCTION CIRCULATION & WEB MANAGEMENT Ruth Johnson Every New Year’s Day, I set essentially the same [email protected] 715-347-3755 goals: find something good about every day and spend a few moments to appreciate it. I also pledge to do something nice for someone every day as well. The first goal does not have to be a major undertaking. It can be as easy as looking up at the sky and enjoying the beauty of the clouds as they billow across the hemisphere, taking a short nature walk or tending a garden. On a personal level, it can be as easy as letting someone go ahead of you in line at the supermarket when you only have a few items and are not in a hurry. Even a simple smile or calling to check up on a friend or neighbor, can brighten someone’s otherwise dark day. Sometimes I feel that our culture has become too obsessed with the idea of finding happiness. Yes, we can be happy about a new job, a bigger car or extra money, but even the feelings of elation associated with these events are still fleeting. The people who seem to have the most contentment in life have something that brings them a sense of purpose. For myself, writing always makes me feel good, which is why I find being an editor for Neighbors, so fulfilling. I look forward to bringing you these photos and articles and welcome your comments and suggestions. Thank you for reading this archive. Warm regards, Ruth Johnson Editor This symbol designates the end of a story. Page 3 ARCHIVE-March 2011