Day Trips
By Heather Kizewski & Ann Marie Worzalla
Welcome to Day Trips!
Inspired by an authentic
passion for travel, each
month we will share
a unique adventure
accomplished in one day;
no overnight bags required.
We are sisters-in-law from
Stevens Point and Amherst,
whose families are involved
in potato farming and are
firmly entrenched in Central
It’s easy to get into an ‘all or nothing’ state of mind when
it comes to travel. For many of us, it is an entire week or
nothing at all. Maybe you want to see unique architecture,
learn history, taste wine, revitalize your brain and/or give
yourself a break from this beloved chaos we call life.
Maybe you daydream about quaint towns, coffee shops,
historical tours, and vineyards. When you look at pictures,
maybe you envision yourself strolling down cobblestone
streets, enjoying the jolly street music or noticing exotic
flavors in the various wines you sample.
And then you snap back into reality.
How easy it is to forget that we do not need to travel
thousands of miles away to experience fulfilling travel
“gems.” Yet, if someone would have told me this ten years
ago, I would have just rolled my eyes.
It used to be easy, planning a weeklong getaway. Back
in the day, it was a lot easier to hop on a plane and spend
ten days in Europe or block out a long refreshing weekend
to amble the streets of New England.
For more than six years, we
have ventured forth seeking
unique destinations – it is
amazing how far you do not
have to go to experience the
moments we often seek
in faraway lands.
We hope to spark you into
your own day trip journey!
Above: Sisters-in-law Heather
Kizewski (left) & Ann Marie
Worzalla (right).
Heather’s husband
As we all know, life changes and other things take
priority: we have school plays that cannot be
missed; soccer games; careers; meetings and let’s
not forget – limited funds.
Back when I traveled to Europe, I loved to visit
places off the beaten path - towns I did not read
about in any books; the ones I happened to stumble
upon by chance.
That does not mean I didn’t enjoy seeing the
Leaning Tower of Pisa or the Eiffel Tower, but
my most memorable times were those spent
in simplicity.
Little did I know I could have experienced those
precious random moments a lot closer to home.
It was an accident really – one spontaneous day
trip with my accomplice, Ann Marie, led to another
and then another…
Although it has been several years since my last
travels to foreign lands, I have not felt deprived
of experiencing the depths of history, culture,
coffee shops or wine.
(Continued on Page 21)
Page 20
Neighbors-March 2011
All photos in this article by Heather
Kizewski & Ann Marie Worzalla.