Neighborhood Organizational Handbook Neighborhood Organizational Handbook | Page 13

� What is the purpose of this project ? If this is an annual work plan , review the purpose of the organization , then define goals for the year .
� What resources will be required to accomplish this project ? � What resources are available to help the neighborhood association meet these goals ?
� Has any other neighborhood association tried this activity ? Can they be contacted for help ?
� What are the tasks involved for the project ? � Who will do the tasks ? � How much time will be needed ? � Does the association have the funds ? Can you raise the needed money ? � When can the resources be secured ? � Are enough members or volunteers available to complete the project ?
Assistance is available through the City ’ s Neighborhood Engagement Program . A meeting can be scheduled at any time by contacting ( 817 ) -459-6566 or neighborhoods @ arlingtontx . gov . City staff is here to help you realize your group ’ s neighborhood goals .
The importance of a work program cannot be understated . Be realistic in setting goals and before you know it your efforts will be rewarded !
Your organization should consider creating bylaws as a part of how it does business . Bylaws establish the “ rules ” governing the internal affairs of an organization . They are the constitution for your organization that establishes the legal requirements for the group . Bylaws govern the way you must function as well as the roles and responsibilities of your officers . They are important to the maintenance of order and credibility in the organization . Bylaws are also an integral part of the process for obtaining tax-exempt status by the federal government . They can be of great benefit to new organizations by helping members clearly define and understand the purpose , procedures , and role of their neighborhood association . You can find a sample of organizational bylaws in Appendix B of this handbook .
Bylaws should also be reviewed periodically . This will help orient new members to the purpose and processes of the organization . Reviewing bylaws on a regular basis will ensure that your rules continue to meet the group ’ s needs .
Remember , bylaws are the governing set of rules for your neighborhood association . It is , therefore , important that you think about the needs of your group and then tailor your bylaws to meet your needs . Be as specific as possible yet allow for flexibility within your organization . Your bylaws will be a part of your neighborhood association for a long time .
Neighborhood Organizational Handbook – Arlington , Texas 10