Once an initial core group in your neighborhood has been identified , the group should elect a short-term leader . Try to postpone electing a permanent leader until you have established a large membership . This will prevent the appearance that the group is “ cliquish .”
As your neighborhood association builds membership , the newly organized membership will need to choose permanent leaders that are elected to official terms . The more inclusive the group is at this stage , the stronger your group will be over the long-term .
Elections should be held annually for your neighborhood association to select a Board of Directors . These officers will handle the business of the neighborhood association throughout the upcoming year .
It is important that there are enough members on the board of your organization that can carry out the duties and responsibilities that will be required of the committee .
� Chairperson or President - Responsible for the overall leadership of the board . Sets the agenda and facilitates all meetings .
� Vice Chairperson or Vice President - Assists the chairperson . In the absence of the chairperson , the vice chairperson conducts the meetings and exercises all of the usual duties of the chairperson .
� Secretary - Records the minutes of the meetings and makes sure that copies of the minutes , agendas , and other records are available for the board and public .
� Treasurer - Responsible for the funds of the neighborhood association . Most boards only require an occasional status report from the Treasurer .
Each neighborhood association is different and will need unique committees to address issues in the neighborhood . Some of the more common positions are as follows :
� Crime Prevention / Public Safety Chair This job usually involves working with the Crime Prevention and Community Watch sections of the Arlington Police Department . It is also the responsibility of this position to act as a liaison between the block captains of the active Community Watch groups in the neighborhood and the Board of the association .
� Publicity Chair and / or Newsletter Editor - A newsletter can keep residents informed about issues in the neighborhood . This person has overall responsibility for overseeing production and distribution of the association ’ s newsletter .
� Events Chair - The events chair would be responsible for coordinating neighborhood events , such as cleanups , July 4 parade and Easter egg hunts . The possibilities for types of events are endless .
Neighborhood Organizational Handbook – Arlington , Texas 8