Neighborhood Alliance Annual Report 2016 Annual Report 2016 | Page 8

Senior Nutrition One of our greatest needs continues to be financial sup- port for our HDM Program. The situations of the seniors that rely on Neighborhood Alliance’s home delivered meals are varied but all share in the basic need for good nutrition. This daily home delivered balanced meal serves as the primary source of nutrition for their day. Recipients who are “at-risk nutritionally” can further heal, maintain and thrive through participation in this program. Whether faced with financial hardship, chronic health issues, a lack of trans- portation, limited or no family support, physical or mental weaknesses, an inability to shop and cook for themselves, or for reasons of personal safety, many senior adults fall into a myriad of categories which qualify them for a home delivered meal program. Lack of proper nutrition can affect mental and memory faculties, slow body recovery, and reduce absorption of medications while further complicating the personal health situation. Photo Credit: The Morning Journal Thanks for Giving On Wednesday November 23 2016, Neighborhood Alliance brought together volunteers to prepare a special holiday meals for home-bound seniors in Lorain County. Concerned that our homebound senior clients would be alone and without a warm traditional Thanksgiving meal, Community West Founda- tion offered to generously sponsor the cost of the 2016 Senior Nutrition Holiday meals for the third year in a row. Physical benefits aside, this program also provides psycho- logical benefits to the recipient. For many who are isolated within their community by disability or lack of family sup- port, the Neighborhood Alliance staff driver delivering the daily meals may be the only person that the senior has any consistent contact with. The exchange, though brief, often may be all that is necessary for the elder to feel like some- one who knows them by name truly cares about them, while expressing interest in their welfare and the news of the day. Situations have occurred where that contact has meant a significant difference for the participant. When changes in their condition arise or a client presents a full-blown emer- gency situation, a driver’s arrival can be life-changing or even life-saving. This daily interaction, a ‘hello’ and ‘welfare check,’ further allows us to alert next of kin to the aid their elder requires when in crisis. Neighborhood Alliance’s Senior Nutrition program has been a daily stabilizing force for seniors in Lorain County since 1967. The program provided for 56,561 meals to be delivered. Additional funding received for holiday meals by Community West Foundation in 2016 allowed Neighborhood Alliance to provide over 600 in total Thanksgiving and Christmas home delivered meals to some of the frailest elders in the community.