NEI_Autumn_2024 _Digital | Page 7

recognize the substantial savings in cycle time and the finished quality that the right solution can provide . Moreover , the sustainable benefits and improved environment from a water-based concept should not be overlooked .
Focusing on small cycle-time savings of 10 to 20 minutes by compromising daily maintenance during production often overshadows the more significant long-term savings and consequences . Here are some key points we encourage blade manufacturers to consider :
• An inappropriate release system can lead to critical buildup on the mold surface after just 30-50 prints .
• Slowly , this build-up appears as a matte layer caused by either a processing gel coat , infused resin , release agent , or a combination of these .
• Over time , release performance diminishes , leading to increased surface imperfections that affect the work in the finishing department .
• A greater build-up results in too early and more frequent production stops , reducing overall output .
• Maintenance is suddenly required after just 40-50 prints instead of our standard 80-100 blades .
• More build-up necessitates rougher sanding on the mold surface , significantly increasing the risk for deeper pores and pinholes , more repairs , and declining surface quality .
• A poor mold surface quality creates anchors for resin particles to cling to , resulting in unnecessary buildup that could be avoided ( this is where our primers come in ).
• This scenario often leads to extra work for the finishing department , as they must address issues related to porosity and uneven surfaces .
• This ultimately affects ROI , as the mold surface has a shorter lifespan and will need to be replaced sooner .
So , the question is : What is the real cost of trying to save a few minutes of cycle time or a few dollars per liter without considering the potential long-term consequences of using an unsuitable release system ?
Each blade manufacturer has unique resins , processes , and environments . Investing the necessary time and resources to identify the most suitable release system for their specific production needs is a wise decision .
This is the added value we strive to communicate to our clients .
NEI : Many of your products which are used in the wind industry are environmentally friendly opposed to other widely used methods , can you explain why ?
Granudan :
• The application of release agents remains a largely manual process , resulting in close contact and exposure for operators .
• Blade molds are over 100 meters long today , covering vast areas , and many workers are in the surrounding vicinity . Using solvent-based chemicals generates toxic fumes , which can impact operators ’ efficiency and flexibility , necessitating costly PPE and increased ventilation .
• In some cases , production must be halted when applying toxic chemicals , leading to losses in production and cycle time .
• There are stringent disposal regulations for toxic waste materials contaminated with solvent chemicals , including cloths and mops .
By switching to our water-based release agents , you can achieve the following benefits :
• No need for respiratory PPE .
• There is no requirement to close surrounding areas during application .
• Release agents can be applied when needed with no further HSE concerns .
• Improved daily protection of the mold skin .
• Reusable application tools , pads , cloths , and equipment .
• Quick application using less material , thanks to excellent wetting properties that allow for greater coverage using a less amount .
• Minimal to no ventilation requirements .
• No special storage or handling procedures are necessary .
• Simplified logistics and supply chain management - no dangerous goods ( DG ) shipping , resulting in quicker transit times and greater flexibility in transportation methods .
From Granudan ’ s perspective , this is an obvious choice .
NEI : Finally , could you enlighten our readers of a case study where you helped a client with your solutions ?
Granudan : In the Western world , there is a growing interest in transitioning from toxic , solvent-based release solutions to waterbased chemicals . Granudan and our partners are investing significant time in developing and improving new chemical formulations and working methods to meet the evolving behavior of resins and the ongoing global compliance demands . The wind industry is global , and we need water-based solutions that are compliant on a worldwide scale . None of our products contains either PFAS or fluorinated chemistry .
With the right focus , adequate training , and close technical collaboration , we are proud to highlight some of the significant achievements gained through the years serving wind clients :
• Instead of requiring maintenance or experiencing breakdowns after just 40 blades , they can now produce between 80 and 100 blades before maintenance is needed .
• Maintenance duration has decreased from 4 to 5 days to just 48 hours , thanks to less sanding , fewer repairs , and a much quicker application of our protective chemicals . One factory achieved an additional 50 blades in production output annually due to this focus .
• Their consumption of release agent has reduced from 5-6 liters per application to just 1-2 liters of our water-based release agent for the same area and shell mold .
• All our application tools are reusable , and microfiber pads can be washed and reused up to 80-100 times .
• Our tools and techniques have achieved greater control and consistency in application , ensuring a stable release performance over time .
• Direct savings in PPE costs up to 50 % within the maintenance department .
• There has been a 100 % reduction in toxic waste materials from release agents , leading to decreased administrative work and reporting .
• Improved carbon footprint and enhanced sustainability reporting .
Ultimately , it ’ s about minimizing the days and hours the mold is out of production throughout the year . Every hour not spent in production represents a loss of revenue for our clients . Our goal is to optimize production time and minimize maintenance time by offering controllable , efficient , ecofriendly solutions that add real value to your operations .
NEI : Thank you for your time . Granudan ApS T : + 45 44 84 37 56 E : sales @ granudan . dk W : https :// www . granudan . dk / en