Negro World November 2013 | Page 3

Northern Race Riots and the Complacency of an Angry African Race

By: Provinsial President of Africa, Hon. Marcus Garvey

The so-called race riots that are plaguing Northern urban areas as hordes of Negroes seek to escape Southern oppression, reveal the futility of living in a country where the majority will never accept you. Negroes thought that the North was the "promiseland," their ticket out of racial violence and economic subservience, only to be rudely awakened that they were still at the whim of the white man.

We saw scores of Negroes targeted and killed by mobs of whites angry over the perceived threat of Negro migrants from Southern neo-chattel towns, taking their jobs, their women, their livelihood. For the past two decades we have seen race riots erupt in Chicago, Tulsa and East St. Louis, to name a few. But has the President passed anti-lynching legislation? No, he is leaving it up to the states to decide how they want to kill their Negro citizens: by actual or legal lynching.

The Negro race must rise above and create their own nation. A nation that accepts us, our history, and our collective strengths. Negroes are Africans first and Americans second, and were not brought to America to live harmoniously with whites. America cannot and will never replace the great nations of Yorubas and Nubians, the Amenhoteps and the Nerphertitis. Therefore, the Negro in America must not become complacent with their lot in life; their lot was far different 200 years ago, listening to their King and enjoying the fruits and riches of their vast land, before they were tied up and brought to the Americas like savages with no history, no talent, no beauty.