NEFC Quarterly Spring 2014 Spring 2014 | Page 11

NEFC Alumni Wins National Championship

Keegan Campbell is a former NEFC player and played for NEFC since the age of 12. He is finishing his junior year at Southern New Hampshire University. Keegan was named captain of the team and went on to win a National Championship! We recently caught up with Keegan and asked him about his journey from club to college.

How did playing for NEFC prepare you for college.

Playing NEFC helped me a lot because my high school was not very good when compared to other teams; So most of the colleges that scouted me, scouted me during my NEFC games. Also I made a lot of connections during my NEFC playing days and those connections came in handy when being recruited and scouted in the college process.

Did you take anything away from your time in club soccer.

Club soccer taught me that when you have a chance to play at a high level you take it, I learned a lot from playing club and it has molded me into the player I am today. The coaching staff for club is just tremendous because they have all played at a high level and they pass their knowledge of the game down to the players.

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Two NEFC Players Attend National Training Camp

NEFC would like to congratulate Taylor Kofton and MaryKate Mcguire on a tremendous accomplishment. The two are attending a national training center in Arizona from Jan 27-31.

Girls DOC Chris Hamblin: “We are very excited for Taylor and MaryKate to attend the ODP Girl’s National Training Camp. They have both been working extremely hard this winter to prepare for the event.

To Read The US Youth Soccer Article Click Here

Three NEFC Players Help Win Futsal National Championship!

The Lil Messis, a team that includes three members of the NEFC GU13 Elite team, won the U13 US Youth Futsal National Championship in Gardner, Kansas, Feb. 17, unseating the reigning national champions in the finals with a 4-3 victory.

The Lil Messis, which includes Bethany Dunk (goalie), Gabby Delpico (#10, midfielder) and Rachel O'Keefe (#11, defender) entered the national tournament with only 6 players after winning the USYF Northeast Regional futsal tournament in Hanover, MA, in January.

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