Needs analysis March 2014 | Page 8

motivating, effective, relevant, and efficient as far as it is tailored to the specific needs of specific students”. (Mohammadi,V & Mousavi, N. 2013) THE IMPACT OF N.A. IN OUR TEACHING PLAN EXPECTED OUTCOMES Identify skills and knowledge The Needs Analysis allows learning providers to identify common and current motivations, interests, needs and learning styles of a group that will help us: Set up clear, specific and achievable goals that can give as a result the improvement of the learners’ self efficacy. Bandura (1994) suggests that if the teacher establishes achievable tasks for the learners, they feel able to do it, succeed, get a higher self efficacy and go for more challenging tasks. the learners already have. Highlight skills, knowledge, competences that need training. Identify clearly what students wish to achieve Outline and define expectations and goals Increase the sense of ownership and involvement of the students Provide information about your student group Identify the content that best suit students´ needs Ascertain the most suitable  Design new attractive and engaging materials that respond to the learners’ motivations and interest. ”In order to design appropriate syllabus and adopt teaching techniques, it is necessary to define as accurately as possible the present or future needs of the learners”. (Cunningsworth, 1983). evaluation mechanisms. Outline what results can be expected Broaden the spaces and opportunities available for learning Support course