In your favourite search engine , type " Yahoo Groups ”.
Click on The Yahoo Groups web site .
Type Leeds Astronomical Society in the box saying “ search groups ” and click on Search Groups . The LAS site will appear .
Double click on it and then click “+ Join Group "
You now have to set up a new Yahoo email account . Previously you could use any account but they have recently changed the rules .
So you need a Yahoo name and a password .
To set the Yahoo account up you have to fill in your life history ( not quite but what they require is intrusive and not necessary !). They also require a moblile phone number so if you haven ’ t got one you are stuck ! Very silly .
Having filled in all the boxes and got rapped over the knuckles once or twice for not completing a box you click on create account .
Yahoo will then send me a message asking me either to accept or reject . LAS members are accepted , outsiders are not .
The annoying feature about the new system is that postings will only go to your new Yahoo address .
I have now discovered how to automatically forward LAS emails to your usual email address so that you don ’ t have to go into Yahoo every time you want to read the postings . Proceed as follows :
Go into your Yahoo mail account .
Click the gear icon near to the top right hand corner . A menu will appear .
Select Settings . by Robin Jakeways
Go to Accounts .
Click your new Yahoo email address under Yahoo or Primary Yahoo .
Make sure that Forward is selected under Access your Yahoo Mail elsewhere
Enter your preferred email address to which you want posting to go over Forwarding Address
Select Store and Forward Click Save
You will get an email asking you to verify your email address .
You should now be done . It will be worthwhile going into the yahoo account from time to time to clean it up otherwise the mail box may show full at some time !
If you still have a problem email me at robinjakeways @ btinternet . com
The sun was shining on the sea , Shining with all his might : He did his very best to make The billows smooth and bright-- And this was odd , because it was The middle of the night .
The moon was shining sulkily , Because she thought the sun Had got no business to be there After the day was done — “ It ' s very rude of him ,” she said , “ To come and spoil the fun !”
The Walrus and The Carpenter byLewis Carroll , ‘ Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice
Found There ’, 1872 )
Leeds Astronomical Society First Founded 1859 Registered Charity 1101539
Affiliated to British Astronomical Association Affiliated to the Federation of Astronomical Societies
Website : www . leedsastronomy . org . uk
President David Leyshon
Vice President Chris West
Hon Treasurer Danny Parsonson
Secretary John Herbert
Visiting Speakers Coordinator Andy West
Public Relations Officer Robert Lewis
Observing Coordinator Robin Carmichael
Hon Librarian Kevin Taylor
Instruments Coordinator John Herbert
Ordinary Committee Members Joanna Bialek Steve Kirk
Ast / meet Speakers Coordinator
Website Coordinator Mick Rose
Email Group Coordinator Robin Jakeways
Auditor David Leyshon
David Sellers David . Sellers @ ntlworld . com