Nebula Nebula - November 2016 | Page 14

NEBULA VOLUME 44 I ssue 2 PAGE 14 M101, M97 & M108 Imaged by Kevin Taylor Here are 2 pictures from the New Inn last spring. M101 The Pinwheel Galaxy (im- aged on 30/Apr/2016) is compiled from 10 x 9 Minute, ISO800 Expo- sures. I suspect the galaxy is feint be- cause of the filter I used. However, not using one isn’t an option so close to Leeds’ city lights. Many distant galaxies can also be seen in this pho- to when see in its original form on a computer screen. The Owl nebula & the Surfboard Galaxy (imaged on 30/Mar/2016) is compiled from 9 x 8 Minute, ISO800 Exposures. I’ve never managed to see the owl Nebula, despite looking at it through the eyepiece of several telescopes. Both pictures were imaged through my Celestron Omni XLT 150 New- M101 The Pinwheel Galaxy tonian. It’s fitted with a Baader Mark-III coma corrector, and mounted on a guided Sky-Watcher HEQ5 pro. The camera, a Canon 1100D, has its IR filter removed The Owl nebula & the Surfboard Galaxy and an Astronomik CLS EOS clip filter fitted. Image processing was done using MaximDL and GIMP 2.9.3.