NDIW Wrestling Magazine May. 2013. | Page 4

Have you ever dream of becoming a Professional Wrestler . Well you can live your dream right here at the Doghouse Wrestling Academy , here you can learn the art of Professional Wrestling . With some Dedication and some Determination , and Devotion you can turn your dream into re- ality . Our trainers are well specialize in the art of professional wrestling . And for you season Wrestlers if you looking for a place to hone your craft for your next bout try us I guarantee that you will not be disappointed . So come down to The Doghouse Wrestling Academy located in the heart of East New York Brooklyn , N . Y 400 Liberty Ave Brooklyn , N . Y . 11207 For More Information Call 347-893


8987 or Log on to www . ndiwwrestling . com / dwa

N . D . I . W . The End is Near

Is Now available On DVD and coming Soon to Blu- Ray Disc .
To order your copy go to www . ndiwwrestling . com or call 347-374-9837