NCT Newsletter | Page 37

Some women can be surprised at how quick the postpartum check-up is and that there isn't always a physical examination or detailed questions asked. You can help to make sure this check is useful for you by thinking about what you would like to talk about beforehand. As life in the early weeks can be busy and tiring, it may help to write down your questions to take along so you don't forget what you want to ask.

What happens at the postnatal check-up? There are no UK wide guidelines on what should happen at this 6 week check-up and how long they are will also vary between surgeries. It's also true that the check itself might be handled differently by individual GPs or midwifes.

In general, the following areas should be covered:

•Your general wellbeing - how have the first few weeks been for you? Are you coping OK? Do you feel you need extra support? Tommy's, a charity that funds research into stillbirth, premature birth and miscarriage, has developed a Wellbeing Plan that could help you think about how you're feeling and what support you might need.

•Your perineum - does it feel OK? Did you have any stitches and, if so, does it feel as if it has healed? You may be offered an examination to see if your stitches have healed and that all the muscles used during labour and delivery are returning to normal.

•If you had a caesarean, has the scar healed well?