NCT Newsletter | Page 30

Helping yourself recover: However you feel after birth, it’s not surprising that your body will take a while to recover and this will probably take longer if you had any surgery or stiches. Here are some suggestions which may help you feel better physically after birth:

•Discuss any problems, concerns or questions you have with your GP at your six-week check-up — but if you are at all worried or in pain, make an appointment immediately.

•If you needed stitches after birth, these should generally have healed within the first couple of weeks. To aid this recovery you may find bathing in warm water and/or using a Valley cushion (a specially designed inflatable cushion to make sitting down much more comfortable) can help. If you find the discomfort continues after a few weeks, speak with your GP.

•Continue any relaxation exercises you started antenatally, or through your antenatal classes if you did them, and restart your pelvic floor exercises.

•After the first couple of weeks walking for 10 to 30 minutes a day can really help aid the healing process.

•Try to eat well; frequent, small, nutritious meals help to keep up your energy levels.

•A broken night’s sleep is often part of the experience of being a new parent, however, if you find you are not managing to get at least one four-hour stretch during the night, research suggests it is important to rest for at least an hour during the day. If you are not able to actually sleep during the day, then use this time to relax and recharge your batteries.