NCT First steps newslettersummer17 | Page 21

A big factor in deciding on childcare will , of course , also be costs
It would also be helpful to think about holidays and whether your choice of childcare is available all year round .
Is your childcare flexible ? Do you need it to be ?
Will your child be taken care of if your working day overruns ?
Will you be penalised if you take your child out to go on holiday ?
Will the chosen method of childcare be offered all year round ?
Would you be expected to coordinate your holidays with your childminder ?
If your baby is sick , what arrangements do you have in place ?
If the childminder is sick what will happen ?
Choosing the right childcare for you and your children will need some time and attention . It ' s definitely worth thinking through all of your options to make sure you make the best choice for your family .
What is the staff turnover ?
What is the ratio of carer to children ? For children aged two years and under , it should be no less than one adult to three children .
Has your carer completed a course in baby first aid ?
How frequently are environmental risks assessed ?
What are the sleeping arrangements and how are they monitored ?
How will you be kept informed on your baby ’ s progress ?
If / when a childminder takes the children outside for a walk , to the park , etc , how does she / he ensure safety of them all ?
For more information on Childcare providers in Enfield please visit Informed Families as they can provide a list of registered childcare providers .