NBS#29 The Appearance of Lord Kapila Jan. 2016 | Page 4

Issue no 29, Page — 4 Top left 4 over the world, cutting the knot of ignorance and false knowledge. The chief of perfected sages, approved by the äcäryas of Sankhya philosophy, he will take the name Kapila in this world and will increase your fame. Having reassured the couple, Brahma, along with the Kumaras and Narada, departed for Satyaloka on his swan carrier. After Brahma departed, Kardama, as ordered by him, according to scriptural rules, then gave his daughters to the creators of population. Kardama gave his daughter Kala to Marichi, and Anasuya to Atri. He gave Shraddha to Angira, and Havirbhu to Pulastya. He gave qualified Gati to Pulaha, the chaste Kriya to Kratu, Khyati to Bhrigu, and Arundhati to Vasishtha. He gave Shanti, by whom sacrifice becomes successful, to Atharva. He took care of those best of brähmaëas who he had got married, along with their wives. Then those sages, married, taking leave of Kardama, returned their hermitages in joy. Understanding that the Lord, chief of the deities, had appeared, Kardama approached Him in a solitary place and, offering respects, spoke to Him. Oh! In this world, the devatäs become pleased with persons burning in material existence from their sinful actions only after a long time. The yogis attempt to see Your impersonal feature in solitary places by complete samädhi through yoga, but this realization is achieved only after many births. The Supreme Lord, who favors His devotees, not considering our neglect of Him, has today appeared in the house of a materialist. You, the Supreme Lord, desiring to give a method of knowledge, and increasing the honor of the devotees, have descended in my house to make your words true. O Lord! although You have no material form, You have Your own innumerable forms. They truly are Your transcendental forms, which are pleasing to Your devotees. I surrender unto Kapila, whose other form is prakåti, who is also the jiva, the mahat-tattva, time, sütra, ahaìkära, the devatäs of the directions, the universe inhabited by Your internal energy, and the possessor of independent energies. Now I ask something from You, the master of the progeny. I have become free of debt because of You, and fulfilled all my desires. Taking the renounced order, I will wander about without lamentation, remembering You in my heart. The Lord said: What is spoken by Me is authoritative for the people, for ultimate and worldly affairs. Similarly, I have taken birth because of what I said to you-- that I would be your son. Thus my words are true. Please understand that I have appeared in this world to explain the principles suitable for realizing the self for those desiring liberation from the subtle body. nityaà bhägavata-sevayä Understand that this path, difficult to know, was lost in time. I have taken this form to introduce this knowledge again. You have requested me, so then depart when you please. Having conquered unconquerable death by offering your activities to Me, you should worship Me for immortality. Seeing Me, self-effulgent, dwelling in the hearts of all beings, as antaryamé in your heart by your intelligence, free from lamentation, you will achieve fearlessness. I will give My mother spiritual knowledge which ends all karmas, by which she will also attain fearlessness. After Kapila had spoken to Him in this way, Kardama, pleased, circumambulated him and left for the forest. Accepting the vow of silence, taking exclusive shelter of the Lord, he wandered the earth alone, without fire and without shelter. He fixed his mind on the Brahman which is beyond auspicious and inauspicious, which has spiritual qualities and is devoid of material qualities, and which is realized by pure bhakti. He was devoid of false ego and possessiveness, and did not see with duality. He regarded everything equally, and perceived the state of bhakti within himself. His intelligence was peaceful, not functioning externally. He was sober, like an ocean without waves. — Çrémad-Bhägavatam (Bhägavata Puräëa) » Canto 3: The Status Quo » Chapter 24. The Renunciation of Kardama Muni » Verses:5– 44. Translation by His Holiness Bhanu Swami · Why Did Kardama Muni Leave Home ? His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Kardama Muni was to leave his family life to completely engage in the service of the Lord. But since he knew that the Lord Himself, as Kapila, had taken birth in his home as his own son, why was he preparing to leave home to search out self-realization or God realization? God Himself was present in his home—why should he leave home? Such a question may certainly arise. But here it is said that whatever is spoken in the Vedas and whatever is practiced in accordance with the injunctions of the Vedas is to be accepted as authoritative in society. Vedic authority says that a householder must leave home after his fiftieth year. Païcäçordhvaà vanaà vrajet: o ne must leave his family life and enter the forest after the age of fifty. This is an authoritative statement of the Vedas, based on the division of social life into four departments of activity—brahmacäré, gåhastha, vänaprastha and sannyäsa. Kardama Muni practiced yoga very rigidly as a brahmacäré before his marriage, and he became so