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newportbeachindy . com MAY 24 , 2024 7

City Manager

sheltered ) increased by 28 percent from 2022 , from 5,718 to 7,322 . It should be noted , however , when comparing 2019 to 2024 , the increase was smaller , at seven percent for both sheltered and unsheltered .
A priority focus of the City Council , the City of Newport Beach has significantly strengthened its approach to addressing homelessness in recent years . Our homeless response now includes a dedicated police officer and homeless services manager ; temporary shelter beds ; full-time outreach teams ; mobile mental health care ; benefits counseling ; new ordinances to reduce camping and other activities on public property ; referrals to federal state , county and nonprofit programs ; and more .
In addition , our Good Giving campaign helps reduce panhandling while providing resources and support to help individuals as they work to gain employment , obtain shelter , or make other strides toward exiting the streets .
View the County ’ s summary document to learn more about the 2024 Point in Time Count : ceo . ocgov . com / care-coordination / care-coordinationadditional-documents .
REGISTRATION FOR SUMMER CLASSES OPENS MAY 16 Get ready for an exciting summer : Registration for the City ’ s summer classes
opened on Thursday , May 16 at 8 a . m .
See the latest Newport Navigator at newportbeachca . gov / register for information on summer classes for all ages and interests , as well as community events such as Movies in the Park and July 4 is for Families .
Shred , E-Waste Event Draws Big Crowds
The City ’ s waste diversion event on Saturday , May 4 was the most wellattended to date , with a total of 875 vehicles passing through .
Nearly 14 tons of paper material was collected for shredding and more than five tons of e-waste was diverted from landfills . More than 43 tons of compost was distributed for gardening and landscaping purposes . The compost is made from organic materials of the type that is recycled in residential collection carts .
The City would like to thank CR & R for coordinating shredding services with PaperCuts , providing compost , and for providing complimentary kitchen pails for organic recycling . Thank you also to California Electronics for collecting and diverting e-waste from landfills , Orange County Waste & Recycling for making bagged compost available for local agencies and to the student volunteers from Sage Hill ’ s E-Waste Club .
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE The City is seeking the community ’ s continued help to shape the future of Newport Beach through a comprehensive General Plan update .
The central hub for this effort is our newly updated website , Newport , Together , with key information , resources and opportunities to provide critical feedback .
The City ’ s General Plan is being updated to reflect the community ’ s current needs and future aspirations . The General Plan contains goals that establish values and direction , policies that guide decision-making , and programs that carry out the actions needed to achieve these goals . The last comprehensive update of Newport Beach ’ s General Plan was in 2006 .
A core part of updating the General Plan is engaging with residents and other stakeholders to capture and articulate a shared vision for the City for the next 20 years and beyond . Outreach at various community events began in March 2024 and will continue through 2025 . If you missed the earlier events , you can get involved on the Newport , Together website . There , you can access many resources for this effort , including a project timeline , FAQs , a document library , feedback form , and an opportunity to subscribe to an email list for ongoing updates .
A short questionnaire and interactive map of Newport Beach is live , and the team wants to hear from community members , residents and business owners . Leave a pinpoint marker anywhere on the map and add a comment of what you love about your community , where are there opportunities to meet needs , areas that need improvement , and what is important
to you and your fellow community members .
I encourage you to visit the Newport , Together website and stay informed ! Visit the website at newporttogether . mysocialpinpoint . com . If you have questions or comments , please email gpupdate @ newportbeachca . gov .
JOIN US AT THE FIELD OF HONOR EVENT The City of Newport Beach is proud to support the 15th Annual Field of Honor , presented by the Exchange Club of Newport Harbor . The free event will run from Friday , May 17 through Monday , May 27 at Castaways Park , 700 Dover Dr .
The event displays 1,776 large American flags along the paths of Castaways Park overlooking Newport Harbor to honor armed forces members , past and present , and first responders who have served or are serving our country and our communities .
Two special events are planned : May 18 at noon to celebrate Armed Forces Day , and May 27 at noon to celebrate Memorial Day , featuring keynote speaker Elaine Brattain , former national chaplain for the American Gold Star Mothers .
The event benefits organizations that support military members and other charities .
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DIRECTED BY David Ellenstein

MAY 29-JUNE 16

GET YOUR TICKETS TODAY Tickets start at $ 45 . Groups save up to 35 %.

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