NBindy_5.24.24 | Page 4

4 newportbeachindy . com MAY 24 , 2024


Oh Buoy , What a Noisy World

Annual Balboa Island Parade is Sunday June 2

By Richard Simon | NB Indy In the aqueous world of local pinnipeds , it ’ s known as the NWP “ hotel .”
To mariners , however , it ’ s the red buoy marking the entrance to yachtrich Newport Harbor . On foggy days , the swell-generated clang of its bell guides in those who are without radar . Perhaps just as a reliable as that sonic signal are the various sounds blared out by reclining sea lions that have lunged atop the buoy to sun themselves and rest .
Neither vacationers to a Waikiki beach at high season ( the world ’ s most crowded beach ), nor sardines in a can , could be any more packed together than these sea lions . To successfully thrust upon the buoy , one has to be first , or be the biggest , in order to claim a spot . Among the first “ words ” any young sea lion doubtlessly learns if it wants to claim a space is “ smushed .”
To approach the buoy from downwind , no radar or bell is necessary to home in on , for if your nose is working , you ’ ll find the NWP buoy .
To most people , the many vocal blurts from sea lions is simply just annoying noise , especially from those animals that can ’ t find space on the buoy , so instead choose home-front docks or moored boats on which to lounge … and communicate .
There are those who find sea lion noise of interest ; they ’ ve learned through whatever it takes to become a PhD what those vocalizations mean . So now , because of this short article , no grad school degree is necessary :
Sea Lions blow out a variety of vocalizations , according to Supportwild . com . Those include barks ( similar
Sea Lions on a buoy near the entrance to Newport Harbor / Photo by Richard Simon
to those made by dogs ), growls , and a combination of bark and whistle . As humans have nonvocal gestures or sounds , seal lions , too , offer up nonvocal noises , such as clapping their jaws , slapping their flippers on the water and honking through their nostrils . These noises vary depending on species , gender and individuals .
Barks are issued for communicating with other sea lions or warning off predators .
Throaty growls are used when they are threatened or when they become aggressive .
Whistle-barks may convey information about one ’ s identity or location .
Flipper slapping may be an invita-
BUOY Page 10
American Legion Post 291 Color Guard in the 2023 Balboa Island Parade . Photo by Lawrence Sherwin .
By Christopher Trela | NB Indy
The 29th Annual Balboa Island Parade is Sunday , June 2 , and it promises to be a fun event .
This year ’ s theme is “ Balboa Island in Paradise – A Tribute to Jimmy Buffett ,” with an after-party featuring Mark Wood and the Parrot Head Band .
As in past years , the parade will be filled with children on bikes , island dogs , decorated golf carts and floats , horses , decorated cars , Keystone Cops , drill teams ( including the famous Patio Chair Drill Team ), the USC Marching Band and Cheer , school bands , local dignitaries and much more .
The parade begins on the Balboa Island Bridge and continues down Marine Avenue . The After-Party
starts immediately following the parade in front of the Fire Station .
Come dressed in your favorite Jimmy Buffett attire , bring your beach chair and enjoy the parade Jimmy Buffett style .
The bridge closes to vehicle traffic at 10:45 a . m .; the parade starts at 11 a . m . Parking on Balboa Island will be difficult . Try parking along Bayside Drive , or take a ride share service . You could also park in the Balboa Fun Zone , take the car ferry across to Balboa Island , and walk to Marine Avenue .
The parade is sponsored by the Balboa Island Improvement Association . Awards for parade participants will be presented at the All- Island “ Pancake Breakfast ” at the Beek Center on Saturday , June 22 .
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