NBindy_4.14.23 | Page 10

City Manager
10 newportbeachindy . com APRIL 14 , 2023

City Manager

percent of normal ). This will help reduce the need for Colorado River water , which remains in limited supply .
On March 24 , in response to the state ’ s record rainfall and snowpack levels , Governor Newsom called for the end of drought declarations and requirements . The Newport Beach City Council will consider lifting the local drought restrictions in the next several weeks .
However , the permanent water use restrictions found in the City ’ s Municipal Code will remain in effect , including :
• Prohibited landscape watering hours between 9 a . m . and 5 p . m .
• No excessive runoff
• No washing down of paved surfaces
• Fix leaks within 72 hours As we move into the warmer summer months we are confident that our residents and business community will continue to use water as efficiently as possible .
COMMUNITY PROGRAM AND SPECIAL EVENT GRANTS On April 4 the City began accepting applications for our annual community programs grants and special events grants . I encourage qualifying community groups and event organizers to submit applications for consideration .
Grants are available in two main categories : 1 ) support for organizations that provide community programs available to Newport Beach residents , and 2 ) qualified event organizers seeking financial support for Newport Beach-based events .
• Community Programs Grant : The City will provide a total of $ 60,000 in grants to qualifying organizations to enhance services or programs offered for Newport Beach residents .
• Special Events Grant : These grants support two types of events : Community and Charitable Events and Signature Events . Community and Charitable Events must serve or benefit local organizations and causes , and / or provide recreational , cultural , and social benefits to Newport Beach residents . Signature Events are large-scale events based in Newport Beach between July 1 , 2023 and June 30 , 2024 that promote the City regionally , attract visitors , and provide measurable economic benefits .
Please note that submitting an application does not guarantee a grant award , as this is a competitive process . Applications will be evaluated based on eligibility guidelines , qualifications and requirements


The Heart of Jesus Retreat Center is operated by the Sisters of the Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart to provide religious and integrity formation and avenues of faith development for children , youth , adults and families .
The safe , secure and caring Center welcomes more than 12,000 attendees each year , many from local parishes and schools .
To RSVP or learn more , visit https :// gentlemenshaberdashery . com . as outlined for the various grants .
For more information and the online application , please visit www . newportbeachca . gov .
NBPD ARRESTS SUSPECTED FASH- ION ISLAND THIEVES Newport Beach Police Department detectives recently arrested a man suspected of stealing a large sum of money from a car parked at Fashion Island , among other crimes , along with a suspected accomplice .
In January , a victim reported to the Police Department that $ 18,000 in cash was stolen from his vehicle while it was parked at Fashion Island . The victim said he was travelling to Las Vegas and had withdrawn money from the bank just prior to shopping at Fashion Island . While shopping , his vehicle was broken into and the money was taken .
Video of the crime was located and showed an unknown suspect entering the man ’ s vehicle .
NBPD detectives investigating the case located a crime bulletin from a neighboring city involving a similar-looking suspect who used stolen credit cards to make fraudulent purchases . As the credit cards were originally stolen in Los Angeles County , NBPD detectives met with Los Angeles detectives and identified a suspect .
Further investigation on the suspect revealed him to be a well-known vehicle burglar , currently on criminal probation and out on bail with charges of multiple burglaries in Los Angeles County .
NBPD detectives obtained a search warrant and arrested the suspect on March 23 . During a search of his vehicle , detectives found several credit cards that had been stolen during other vehicle burglaries in Newport Beach . Property stolen during a storage unit burglary in Los Angeles County was also in the vehicle .
During the course of the investigation , detectives found that the primary suspect worked with a second suspect during the burglaries at Fashion Island . Detectives tracked down the second suspect and arrested him .
This successful NBPD investigation resulted in the arrests of two prolific burglars who have victimized several Newport Beach community members .
The Gentlemen ’ s Haberdashery was conceived in 1978 when the Sisters of the Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart asked then-Orange County Supervisor Thomas F . Riley and his wife , Emma Jane , for support in raising funds to expand the Sisters ’ Heart of Jesus Retreat Center .
Supervisor and Mrs . Riley joined with Rancho Mission Viejo Chairman and CEO Anthony R . Moiso and wife , Melinda , in 1983 to chair this annual event . With the passing of Supervisor Riley ( 1998 ) and Mrs . Riley ( 1999 ), Tony and Melinda Moiso and George and Eden O ’ Connell continued the legacy of leadership as the Haberdashery ’ s co-chairs .
On March 14 the City Council directed staff to update the City ’ s municipal code to expand the definition of timeshare to include fractional homeownership , which will prohibit them in all residential zones .
The proposed code amendment is scheduled for a public hearing at the Planning Commission on April 20 . The amendment will then be presented for Council consideration on May 9 , with final adoption scheduled for May 23 . Following Council adoption , the code amendment will be submitted to the California Coastal Commission for its review and approval .
GATEWAY PARK IMPROVEMENTS Work began April 3 on improvements to the two park areas on Newport Boulevard just south of the bridge onto the Peninsula .
These two grass areas are collectively known as Gateway Park and serve as the welcoming entrance to the Peninsula and Lido areas . The project will repair the planter walls , replace the landscaping , replace lighting , and refresh the signage .
Construction is expected to be completed by early summer . During construction , parking in the area may be reduced and pedestrian detours established for safety .
ONLINE SOLAR PLAN CHECK STREAMLINES APPLICATIONS Since the option to submit solar plan check applications electronically through our CiViC website went live on March 14 , the application process has been streamlined for many applicants . Applicants have been able to download their issued plans and permits directly through the online portal .
The CiViC site can be accessed at https :// www . newportbeachca . gov / civic .
FREE DOCUMENT SHREDDING , E- WASTE DISPOSAL AND COMPOST DISTRIBUTION APRIL 22 Join us on April 22 from 8 a . m . to noon at the Newport Beach Corporation Yard , 592 Superior Ave ., for an Earth Day event brought to you by the City of Newport Beach and CR & R .
The event will feature free document shredding , e-waste disposal , and a compost giveaway . Residents can bring up to 10 standard file boxes of documents for shredding and can receive up to five , 30-lb . bags of compost while supplies last . Please note that residency will be verified , so don ’ t forget to bring identification .
Our shredder can accommodate most


PAGE 1 materials including bank and financial statements , credit card statements or preapproved credit card offers , old IRS tax forms , checks or bills , old credit cards and plastic / paper membership cards , junk mail , and documents bound with staples or paper clips . Please note that x-rays or larger plastic items such as binders cannot be accepted .
Acceptable items for e-waste disposal include computers , computer monitors , keyboards , televisions , flat panels , other monitors , printers , DVD players , cell phones , and other small electronic devices . Medical waste , batteries and other household hazardous waste will not be accepted .
For more information , please contact our Public Works Department at ( 949 ) 718-3055 .
CITY TO REPLACE GOLDENROD PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE PLANTERS During the next several weeks the City will replace the deteriorated planters on the Goldenrod Pedestrian Bridge . The project will also replace the existing plants , wooden arches , irrigation and lighting .
During construction the bridge will be closed and pedestrians will be directed to nearby detours . The project is expected to be completed by late May .
SERVE YOUR COMMUNITY ! APPLY NOW FOR VACANT SEATS ON BOARDS , COMMISSIONS The City of Newport Beach is currently accepting applications to fill the following unscheduled vacancy and upcoming scheduled vacancies ( all terms are for four-years , expiring June 30 , 2027 , except for one unscheduled City Arts Commission seat expiring June 30 , 2025 ):
• Board of Library Trustees ( two seats )
• Building and Fire Board of Appeals ( one seat )
• City Arts Commission ( two seats – one term is for four-years , expiring June 30 , 2027 ; and one unscheduled term expiring June 30 , 2025 )
• Civil Service Board ( one seat )
• Harbor Commission ( one seat )
• Parks , Beaches & Recreation Commission ( two seats )
• Planning Commission ( two seats ) All scheduled vacancies will become vacant when the existing terms expire on June 30 , 2023 , or until the seat is filled .
All applicants must be qualified electors of the City , none of whom shall hold any paid office or employment in City government ( Section 702 of the City Charter ).
The deadline for filing applications is noon on Wednesday , May 10 or until the vacancies are filled . The application and additional information about the Boards and Commissions can be found at http :// www . newportbeachca . gov / vacancy or by calling ( 949 ) 644-3005 .
The application and information about the Boards and Commissions can also be accessed through the City ’ s website at http :// www . newportbeachca . gov / bcc . held cell phone while driving is punishable by a fine . Violating the hands-free law for a second time within 36 months of a prior conviction for the same offense will result in a point being added to a driver ’ s record .
If you have an important phone call , text , email , or in a situation with other distractions , pull over to a safe parking CITY TO REPAINT BALBOA ISLAND spot . Other distractions can be eating , FIRE STATION grooming , reaching for something that
Next week the City will begin repainting Fire Station No . 4 on Balboa Island . The fell on the floor , putting on or taking off clothing , talking with passengers , or children in the back seat . GARDEN Page 11